Tape 1- Felix

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N- Felix was always Jealous of Dan. It was like a feeling that Felix could never describe. He was always jealous. Because of this Felix would hurt Dan. He would start to get aggressive and hurt Dan every chance he could.

N- He would hurt him. Calling him names. Felix would comment on everything Instagram, twitter,
Facebook, and YouTube.

D- "Why are you doing this?"
F- "What you got a problem with it or what? You 'know I'm just playing around' right? Nothing too serious?"

N- Deep down Dan knew Felix was lying but he didn't want to say anything to him.

D- "Yeah I know but, why are you doing it? Any reason? Or just playing around?"
F- "Just messing around, no real reason."  

N- Something else Felix would do was physically hurt Dan. Felix, anytime his and Dan were alone, he would hover over Dan and hurt him. Make him feel like he was nothing.

D- "What are you doing?"
F- "What? You listen to me, and only me!"
D- What are you doing?! Stop hurting me!"

N- Phil didn't know this was happening, because every time it did it was only Dan and Felix around.

~Dan's Note~
Why would Felix do something like this? He's he's my friend? Why would he want to hurt me like? At first I thought he was just messing around but, but, he's not. He means business. He wants to hurt me, literally. By just messing around.

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