Tape 5- Cat

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N- Cat was a new friend Dan made when he first started YouTube and Dan and Cat were close but not that close. Since Phil has just moved out Dan has spent many night alone and Cat finds out and now thinks of Dan as a nobody.

-Cat to Phil-
C1- "Why did it move out? Hmm, is Dan a really bad housemate? Or what."
P- "No I just really like Tyler, and wanted a new experience!"
N- Cat tricks Phil into telling her why Dan is a horrible person. But Phil was telling her what he does like sometimes being loud, over excited, and all these that weren't that bad and making them lies.

P- "Cat what we you doing! That's not what Dan does!"
C1- "Then why did you move out?"
N- Cat was talking bad about Dan and Dan found out and couldn't take it anymore.

-Dan POV-
Why is nobody my friend! What did I do. First it was Marzia and Felix, Cat, then then Phil...

N- Dan begins to cry and at this point he hasn't come out of his house, talk to anybody, and no updates for 3 days. You worry about him and go and check on him.
Y/N- "Dan! Dan! Where are you."
N- No repose and Dan is just sitting there doing nothing just on his computer and you talk to him and he does nothing but, he just looks at you. You had enough and just leave him to be.

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