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"Tonight, tonight. It all began tonight..."

Emily's hands were clammy, she hoped Younghyun wouldn't notice as he held her hands while she sang. He didn't. He was too focused on not blushing while she put a hand on his cheek. He was doing a crap job of that, his voice shaking at the beginning of his line. He quickly regained his composure and sang the rest of his line perfectly. 

I forgot how great his voice is...Emily looked at him with so much tenderness, but Younghyun knew it was just a part she was playing. They both finished the song together. They stared into each other's eyes for a moment, and Younghyun started to lean in. Emily's eyes widened and she quickly ducked her head into his chest and hugged him tightly. Younghyun's face turned red and he wrapped his arms around her. 

"Okay! It's 6pm, that's good for today." Mrs.Post said and the pair quickly let go of each other and stood up, standing a decent amount of space away from each other. "Wonpil, can you call the others in from the hallway for notes ?" Wonpil nodded and went out into the hallway. Emily went and sat on the end of the stage, waiting for Dowoon.  Dowoon came in and hopped up onto the stage next to Emily. She gave him a tight smile and he gave her a questioning look. 

"I'll tell you later." She said quickly, as she saw Isabella make her way over to them. 

"Hey! Can I squeeze in next to you ?" Emily nodded and Isabella sat down next to her.  "You're doing so good ! I could hear y'all from outside. I love it !" Emily smiled and blushed slightly. She didn't want to think about the scene more than she already was, it was driving her insane. However, Isabella sitting next to her brought two other people to her general area. She gave a nod to Jae and Younghyun who sat behind them talking. Isabella and Jae were talking about something and Emily messed with her phone for a little bit. 

"Oops ! Sorry Younghyun! I didn't mean to fall on you !" Cori, one of the ensemble girls, said as she picked herself up off of Younghyun's lap. Emily closed her eyes and rolled them infinitely into the back of her head. You and I both know that was on purpose, Cori. Emily looked back down at her phone, trying to appear nonchalant as she noticed Dowoon watching her closely. Younghyun gave an awkward chuckle as he helped Cori stand up. 

"Don't worry about it. You okay ?" Younghyun gave a small smile. 

"Oh, I'm GREAT now." Cori said and giggled. Emily laughed so hard she snorted. She quickly covered her face and turned towards Dowoon who watched her with wide eyes. She uncovered her face to see Isabella and Jae watching her now.  

"Just, ah, a funny meme I saw on twitter." Emily stammered out, biting her tongue to keep from laughing. Isabella looked like she was about to laugh as well. They both turned towards Mrs. Post who was giving notes to the cast about the rehearsal. When Mrs.Post was done, everyone went to gather their bags. 

"Dowoon, do you still need a ride home?" Emily asked and Dowoon nodded. "Come on then, don't dawdle." Dowoon gathered up his things. He wasn't quick enough to avoid Isabella coming up to him and asking him something. Dowoon shrugged and pointed to Emily. Isabella walked over to Emily with a smile. 

"Hey! So we're all going to Jerry's Diner for some dinner, do you and Dowoon wanna join?" Emily looked over at Dowoon, who was pleading her with his eyes, and then over to Younghyun and Jae who were talking fervently to each other about something. Emily sighed , she had wanted to talk to Dowoon about today but he really wanted to spend more time with Isabella. 

"Yeah, sure ! I'll meet y'all there ?" Isabella smiled widely. 

"Yay! Alright!" Isabella walked back over to her friends and Emily waited for Dowoon to catch up to her. 

"You're paying for my food." She said to Dowoon as they walked down the hall.

"But you always pay!" He complained.

"Exactly." She said. Dowoon sighed but then walked happily beside her down towards the doors to the student parking lot. Emily put her arm around his waist and they walked side by side for a few seconds. Dowoon then decided he was done with that and picked Emily up.

"HEY" she yelled as her bookbag slid off her shoulder. 

"This is way faster." He said as he put her over his shoulder. She laughed as she bounced while he walked quickly to her car. She blew the hair out of the front of her face and saw the trio watched their exchange. Dowoon put her down when they got to her car. 

"You're the worst." Emily said with a laugh and unlocked the car. Dowoon had a small smile on his lips as he got in the passenger side. "What?" Emily asked when they were both in the car." 

"Your boyfriend looked jealous." Dowoon said with a smirk. Emily rolled her eyes. 

"He's NOT my boyfriend. He's my pretend lover." Emily turned the car on and started to pull out of the parking lot. "He did try to kiss me today though."

"WHAT" Dowoon yelled, making Emily jump. "When ? Why?" 

"At the end of our scene today, he started leaning in. Which I mean, it's in the script but we aren't practicing that until next week." 

"What did you do?"

"I turned it into a hug instead." 

"You're so awkward." 

"Shut up. I know."

"You're staring." Isabella said with a laugh. Younghyun turned and looked away from Emily.

"I would never."

"Jealous?" Jae asked and Younghyun rolled his eyes.

"Shut up." Jae laughed and started walking to his car. 

"You coming?" Jae said towards Isabella. 

"Nah, I need to have a conversation with my boy here." Isabella said with a nod towards Younghyun. Jae bit the inside of his cheek and nodded. Younghyun caught Jae's eye and raised an eyebrow. 

"Jealous?" He mouthed which resulted in Jae flicking him off from across the parking lot.


I wrote most of this on a long car ride but I've decided I have to finish this at some point and I have had some inspiration recently 


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