3: Another survivor cont.

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HannahMoe6 is the winner, she correctly guessed who the Survivor was, And the Survivor is 8-bitRyan!!!


       "Hello, I'm Ryan. I wasn't really expecting there to be other survivors", Ryan said with a nervous chuckle at the end. "By the way, how did you find me and this place".
   Greg seemed hesitant about telling him. I decided we should be straight forward , even if it might creep him out.
    " We were lead here by an Emperor Leviathan, named Koltu. He told us there was a survivor who helped set he and his siblings free. I'm guessing that was you" Ryan nods.
    "Yes, that was me. Hm I believe Koltu was the runt out of his siblings. I guess that's rude to say but yeah, he's a good kid. Well, I mean.... Ya know", Ryan responded.
   " We know what you mean", Greg responds. "Anyways, I'm Greg and This is (y/n) ".
   "Well it's a pleasure to meet you both, you welcome to stay , as long as you can hold your own", Ryan says in a cheerful voice. "Besides with you both here, leaving should be a lot easier".
    "You mean you know of a way to leave", I exclaimed.
    "You Bet I do, and We'll​ all get out together once we can build the rocket", Ryan explained.

   I'll update again when I get over my writer's block.

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