Loose Ends

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After some time I wake up realizing I feel asleep in the observation deck. I stand and stretch, looking out the glass to see that Koltu is no where insight. I walk through the halls , making sure to keep quiet , as I don't want to wake the others. I climb the ladder to the sleeping quarters and see Greg and Ryan are both passed out in their beds. I let out a silent sigh of relief as they're alright. I lay down in my bed. Although I was having a hard time sleeping. I managed however and got to sleep.
I'm awoken to Greg arguing with Ryan. I decided to listen to their conversation , while feigning sleep.
"Don't try anything with her, I don't like you hanging around her", Greg's crows in a harsh tone. Ryan sighs.
" Trust me I mean no harm, and I'm not trying to take her from you. I'm trying to help you both", he huffs getting annoyed with Greg's jealousy. Greg is clearly not buying it.
"Alright whatever, just don't try anything with her or I'll hurt you", Greg states firmly. At this point I lean up, acting like I just woke up. I rub my eyes and look over at them.
"Morning", I say sitting up. "So what's the plan for today?", I inquire as I stretch.
" Well Greg and I were gonna start building the rocket, but there's a problem.", Ryan explains. "There's an anti-aircraft gun on this planet, and it will shoot us down if we don't shut it down".
"Oh", I say worried.
" And It will only shut down if you are clean from the disease that nearly killed this planet, it's called the kharaa. But because the emperor Leviathans are around there is a cure. Since Greg and I will be working on the ship, would you be alright with going and disabling it?", He asks. He does genuinely seem to care, he is probably sending me so that he and gain Greg's trust.
"Why certainly", I respond happily. Ryan smiles and goes to the fabrication station on the wall and crafts the cure. He walks back over and hands it to me. I put it in my pocket at the moment.
" Go get some supplies and stuff and Koltu should be nearby, he'll take you there and protect you. They're are some reaper Leviathans around there.", He briefs me and I head down the ladder to get supplies. I head outside into the water. I look around for Koltu and find him a short while later. I swim over to him.
"Are you ready to go (y/n)?", Koltu asks. I nod and we start swimming to the island gun building.

After almost a day we make it to the island. I climb in through the side entrance and Koltu remains at the dock area. I head into the building and wander around looking for the gun system. After the exhausting walk and traversing the expansive halls, I finally find the system responsible for deactivating the gun I quickly take the cure Ryan gave me earlier. I scan myself just to make sure. It comes back clean.
I approach the large column​ like thing. I hesitate but push the button. My arm gets trapped by a weird light like force field. A large needle- tenticle thing came out and jabs my arm. It quickly retracts and a voice comes on indicating the gun is disabled. I quickly try and find my way out as this place gives me the creeps.
I get back to the dock area and Koltu and I leave. Hopefully to never have to return to this place again.

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