Chapter 4

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School went on as usual, except that sometimes, Issy would sit with Jayde at lunch, instead of sitting with his friends.

Ring... Ring...

"Argh... Assembly again..." Issy groaned as he pulled himself up from his seat.

"All right students! Quiet down! I have a very important anouncement to make," Mrs Tang, the principle, said, trying to make herself heard over the noises of the students.

The assembly hall gradually quieted down.

"Some of you might have already known about this. The school will be organising a prom and a sleepover at school right before the midterm holidays."

Excited murmurs spread out across the hall, someone even gave a loud woohoo.

"Don't get too excited just yet! I'm going to explain the details so listen closely! The events will be held on 21th of June and 22th of June, which is the Thursday and Friday before your mid-term holidays."

Mrs Tang then continued, "the prom will be held on Thursday from 5pm to 12am at the sport complex. You can attend the prom at one condition, you must bring a someone with you as your dancing partner. If you go to the prom alone, you will not be allowed to enter. Only Year 9 and above will be able to participate."

"What? Why?"

"That's not fair!"

"Why can't we go?"

A range of complaints could be heard coming from the Year 7's and Year 8's.

"Wait, let me finish!" Mrs Tang shouted above all the racket that Year 7 and 8 made.

"So, as I was saying, only Year 9 to Year 11 will be allowed to join. But this doesn't mean that students from Year 7 and 8 won't have any chance to join. For example, a Year 9 student can ask a Year 7 or 8 student to go to the prom together."

"Oh and one more thing, all the classes upstairs will be the girl dormitry while the classes downstairs will be for the boys. Arrange among yourselves for the dormitry. All years are permitted to join the sleepover," Mrs Tang said as she explained all the details.

This was the second time Issy heard about the prom. Once again, he ran through the names of all the girls he knew and finally stopped upon the name, Jayde.

"Omg... This is so lit!" Hector cried as the nine of them walked out of the assembly hall.

"Yupp! But we need to find partners!" Johny said as he tried to think of who he was going to go with to the prom.

"I'm sure Issy already have someone in mind?" Blake asked with a smirk.

"How did you know?!" Issy exclaimed with pretended surprise.

"Of course! We even know who it is!" James said and everyone laughed.


"Hey, Jayde, can you see me inside your class after school?" Issy asked Jayde during lunch.

"Um... Sure!" Jayde answered.

"Great! See you later!" Issy waved as he walked back to his friends.

"Oohh... What's this about?" Angelica leaned in and whispered.


"Your boyfriend's gonna ask you to go to the prom right?" Clair winked.

"He's not my boyfriend! And I don't know why did he call for me either!" Jayde yelled, but her face was already heating up.

"Wow... Jayde, you get red just from us talking about Issy," Angelica said teasingly.

"No, I don't!" Jayde said and covered her face with her hands.

Clair and Angelica looked at each other and said with a laugh," Yes, you do!"


Ring... Ring...

"Thats all for today thank you class," Mr Scott, the geography teacher, said.

"Thank you Mr Scott."

"So you'll wait here for him?" Angelica said to Jayde while she packed her bag.

"Uh... yeah... Stop teasing me!" Jayde hissed back at Angelica.

"Let's go Angie, we can't be interuppting the two of them right?" Clair said, grinning.

Clair and Angelica went out of the class. Slowly, the class emptied and there was only Jayde left.

"Is Issy here yet?" Jayde thought to herself as she stood by the wall leaning against it with her hands behind her back.

"Hey," Issy suddenly walked in.

"Oh, hi!" Jayde replied and took a few steps forward.

"So... you heard about the prom this morning?" Issy said.

"Yeah, too bad I'm in Year 8 though..." Jayde said, suddenly realizing what Clair had said might just be true.

"Would you want to go if you had the chance?"

"Yes... I've never been to one before."

...... A moment of silence filled the room as Issy gathered up his courage.

"Jayde, I've been thinking about who to invite as my partner and... So, can you be my partner?" Issy finally asked, his hearbeat raising.

"Ah...? Of course!" Jayde replied without any hesitation.

"What? Really? Thank you!" Issy said, beaming at Jayde.

"Yupp," Jaydee said, returning a sweet smile.

"Well, see you tomorow! I gotta go!" Issy said.

Issy started walking out of the class, but stopped, and came back over to Jayde.


But she was cut off by a hug from Issy.

"Bye!" Issy waved as he walked out of the class.

Jayde stood there, slightly dazed by what just happened.

"Omg! We saw everything, Jayde!" Angelica burst into the class.


"What did he want to talk about?" Clair asked.

"You were right, he asked me to go to the prom with him," Jayde replied.

"What did you say?" Angelica asked excitedly.

"Well, I said yes..." Jayde answered with her head down," My car is here, I gotta go! Bye Clair, Bye Angie!"

And Jayde ran out of the class while Clair and Angelica gigled.

A Love Story ♡IssyxJayde♡Where stories live. Discover now