Chapter 1

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Ring... Ring... Issy woke up with a groan as he slapped the snooze button of his alarm clock.

"Argh... School is finally here..."

Today was the first day of school. Normally Issy would have jumped up from bed excitedly and got to school as soon as possible to see all his friends. But today was a different one. No, its not because of bullies or something else, its about his ex-crush Clair. Well, she rejected him last year on her last day of school in August.

"Things can't grow any worse, can't it?" Issy had thought.

But things did indeed became worse. During the year end holidays, Angelica, one of Clair's close friends, had messaged Issy and told him that Clair was coming back the next year! This would have seem like a good news to some people, but really, its not all that good. Issy didn't know how he was going to face Clair.


It was Clair's last day at school. Clair had told Issy about it the day before. When Issy heard the news, he felt as though a part of him was going to be ripped off.

"No, I can't run away anymore! I need to tell her how I feel or I won't have any chance anymore!"

Issy went to bed that night feeling nervous, excited, but also... hopeful. He wanted Clair to exclaim and say," I've been waiting for this for a long time!" However, sometimes things doesn't go as one hoped.


Issy lay back down on the bed, lost in thoughts, as he relive the memory.


The next day Issy had his friend, Johny, to ask Clair to go to the library alone during breaktime. Issy thought over about what he was going to say as he made his way to the library. Outside the library window, all of Issy's friends and a few of Clair's friends stood there looking into the library.

"You're finally here!" exclaimed Dylan, "faster! She's waiting for you inside!"

Issy looked into Clair's eyes and took a deep breath.

"Ever since I met you, I had a feeling for you. But it was only until recently that I realized what it was. I just want to tell you that I... I like you!"

Issy's heart beatted faster than ever. He closed his eyes, waiting for a response from Clair. But after a few seconds of silence, he opened his eyes and found out that Clair was merely smiling at him, showing no signs of giving a response. Feeling his face heat up, Issy muttered a quick, "See you later," and stepped out of the library quickly.

Once Issy got out from the library, he was immedieatly surrounded by his friends. All of them throwing questions at him.

"How'd it go?"

"Did she say yes?"

"I thought you were just bluffing when you said you're going to confess to Clair!"

Issy, feeling slightly annoyed, briefly explained what had happened.

"So... she didn't say yes but she didn't say no either?" Blake asked.


"Hmm... maybe she just didn't want to say yes because she's leaving? You need to go ask her bro," Tyler said helpfully.

"All right..."

And so Issy ended up sending a message to Clair insteand of talking to her because he was too shy.

"Would you have said yes if you're not going to leave school?"

Clair then sent a long message back, it goes something like this.

"Issy, I'm sorry to say but we can't be together for now... Thank you for all that you've done for me, listening to me blabbering. I hope that we can still be close friends."

And then Issy got it - he had just been friendzoned.

His heart seemed to break into pieces. But he didn't thought much about it since Clair said they could continue to be close friends, just like how they were before.


Ring... Ring... The alarm shook Issy out of his thoughts. This time he switched off the alarm completely. Issy finally got up from his bed reluctantly.

A Love Story ♡IssyxJayde♡Where stories live. Discover now