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I don't know if I've been sucked into a dream or if I've just woken up.

I catch my breath and familiarise myself with my surroundings.

I'm standing at the edge of an endless black highway in the middle of the night. Cold fog surrounds me on all sides; cars and trucks emerge out from it on my right, their tail lights red streaks as they speed by.

I feel disoriented, my head is fuzzy as if it'd been stuffed with cotton. Where am I? How did I get here? What was I doing before this? I don't even remember my own name. I remember vague pieces - a white room, a thin gown, a green mask, a machine. It all seems so distant, so unimportant.

All I know is this pull in my chest, tugging me towards the other end. That's my purpose, that's where I have to go. I have to get across.

I put one foot in front of me when I'm filled with this overwhelming fear. The road looks so vast, the cars seem so hostile, I feel so cold. I trace my fingers over my eyes to find tears streaming down my face. I feel mournful for something I did not know.

I feel so lonely.

I collapse to my knees and weep silently.

A warm tongue licks my face. A stray dog, a black mongrel. He licks my hands. He comforts me, just a tiny bit. He then turns his gaze towards the other side of the endless black. That's when it all begins to make sense.

He came to guide me, he came so that I won't be alone as I make my final crossing. He comes for all of us so that our final journey won't be as lonely.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2017 ⏰

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