Raditz x Shy!Caring! Female Reader

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PiercedExpressions Sorry this took long and you probably don't remember this request. But this is for you fam!

Raditz: I'm such a disappointment! Not only did I fail to get Kakarot to join me, I was also beaten by him and that green pickle!

Raditz was depressed, powerless, and most of all he was alone. He was never loved not even by his father, which makes the word love a void to his vocabulary.

Raditz: *crying* Nothing good ever happens to me! Why was I even created if not even my father notices me! I never knew my mother! Did she even care about me?

There was more tears forming, than the blood Raditz was loosing. He never felt this way before, but now he knows it was the worst feeling he's ever felt.

You were just coming back from shopping, until you heard someone crying. You tilted your head and started going towards the person in distress.

Y/N: Hmm. I wonder who could be sad on such a beautiful day. Y/N thought.

You then saw a man on a rock, crying like there is no tomorrow. You hid behind a building, peeking at the sad saiyan.

Y/N: Aww. He looks so sad. I should ask him what's wrong. Y/N thought.

Raditz: I wished those two would just finish me off so I wouldn't feel this much pain!

Y/N: Um. Excuse me, sir?

Raditz turned his head to where the voice was coming from, and saw a shy Y/N looking at him. He wiped his eyes and huffed as he turned around.

Raditz: Go away woman! I have no time to listen to you talk!

Y/N looked down. Kind of sad of how mean the saiyan was to her, but she inhaled and walked to him with confidence. You were facing his back, then you saw something furry around his waist.

Y/N: Hmm. Um. Sir? What's that bushy thing around your waist?

Raditz: I told you to get lost! What word do you not understand?!

Y/N put her hands on her hips.

Y/N: Well, all of them because I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong.

Raditz: Jeez you women are such pests! But I guess I have no one else to talk to so........ He sighs. Fine! I'll tell you.

Y/N smiled and went to face him. He tells you everything about him, what he is, where he came from, and why he was so upset.

Y/N: Oh. That sounds awful.

Raditz just rolled his eyes and sighed.

Y/N: So you're a saiyan from a different planet and you were brought here to beat another saiyan named Kakarot?

Raditz slowly nodded.

Y/N: Hmm. To be honest, I heard crazier stories.

Raditz looked at her curiously.

Raditz: Oh?

Y/N: Yeah. Because I have friends from different planets too, and they always get in crazy situations.

Raditz: What are friends?

Y/N: Huh? Don't tell me you don't have any friends.

Raditz: If I don't know what they are, there's a big chance I don't have any.

Y/N: Friends are people who are nice to you and help you when you're sad. Friends keep promises and all that.

Y/N smiled when she thought about her friends.

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