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Delilah looks down over the edge of the bridge and sees the rushing water. With the tears in her eyes and the torrential down pour happening around her visibility is low.

'I can't do this anymore' she thinks to her self. She gets over the small cement wall and is on the small ledge on the outside that barely holds up half her small feet. She looks down at her still bleeding wrists and remembers the reasons for every scar.

Your just a little slut

Does anyone like you?

Your nothing

Your pathetic

No one would care if you lived or died

The hateful words swirl around her head like toxic wisps of smoke, slowly killing her from the inside out.

She looks down to the water again.

Delilah took in a deep breathe and closed her eyes. It will all be over soon.

"Wait!" a tall young man yelled from across the street. Delilah ignored him and leaned forward. She could feel the concert wall slipping from her fingers. Finally there was no wall left. Then she felt a warm hand grab her wrist and pull her back. It was the young man. Delilah's rib slammed into the wall and the man pulled her over and she was to weak to stand.

"I'm calling an ambiance!" he said cradling Delilah's cold limp body on his strong arms. She tried to protest, but she was to weak. Delilah had already lost a lot of blood. Soon evening was blurry. She could see silhouettes of people and flashing lights. Then everything was black.

"Is she going to be ok?" Her rescuer asked.

"She is loosing a lot of blood," a voice said frankly. Delilah could feel that now she was on a stretcher. She also felt two warm hands holding on to hers. Then she blacked out.


I woke up to a steady beep. I slowly opened my eyes. I am not sure where I am, but the lights coming from a window sure is bright. I try to sit up but I am restrained by two big hands.

"Woah, easy babe," a familiar voice said. Babe! Who does he think he is?! I know this voice is the one who ruined my plans ok the bridge, but I have heard it somewhere else. I look over to see bright blue eye and I take in the rest if his face. It's Nash Grier. Now that would be a big moment for a girl of I didn't already know him. He was in the group of people I hang out with.

"Your awake, do you need anything?" he says stroking my arm.

"Why are you here?" I say angry. My voice is still shaky so it probably didn't sound as powerful as I was hoping.

"I saved you!" he said heroically.

"Where are my parents?" I question.

"You didn't have a cellphone on you so they didn't have a number to call until you woke up," he said taking my hand in his again.

I snatch it away fast.

"Ahhh!" I cry out in pain. I look down at my wrist to see stitches.

"You were bleeding so bad they had to stitch you up, be careful," he said putting his hands back in his lap.

"it didn't need your help!" I say relaxing back on my pillow.

"No, you didn't want my help. You did need it, you were making a mistake."

"No I wasn't I was making the right choice for once!" I said angrily. he doesn't know me!

"Well anyway, do you want to call your parents?" he asks sweetly.

"No!" I protest.

"Ok ok," he concedes.

"Well they think that you are going to be fine," he says sitting back in his chair.

"How long have I been here?"

"Just a few hours, I found you at like two in the morning and it's almost nine, AM."

"My parents are out of town," I say rolling over to face him. He just gives me a empathetic smile.

"Miss Blake, you are free to go. but the doctor thinks you shouldn't be alone" a tall young woman in a white doctor coat says.

"I'll take you to my home," Nash says standing up to help me.

"How did they let me go so fast?" I ask, because I know if they had known I was about to commit suicide I would not be released.

"I told them that the cuts were from the bridge and you tripped over the edge," he smiled. I sprung onto his chest and hugged him tightly gripping on to his shirt. He was warm and I had a strange feeling if safety in his arms. Maybe it's because these are the same arms that held me after he saved my life!

"I'm so sorry," I say smoothing the wrinkles I caused.

"It's fine..." he said his voice lingering as he made eye contact with me.


"This is my place," I said pointing to a big white house.

I pulled into the driveway and I ran around and opened her door. She held on to my arm for support to get to the door.

"Nice house," she says looking around.

"Thanks, now my parent and siblings will be home soon so we can chill in my room."

She nods and tries the stairs. She did maybe two then she almost fell.

"Oh here let me help," I pick her up bridal style and carry her up and we sit down on my bed.

"Thanks," she says with a awkward side smile. We sit in silence for awhile before I turn to her. She is asleep on my pillow. I smile and take this time to taken her appearance. She has long wavy light brown hair with like caramel highlights. She had a good tan and the way she is laying her butt looks nice. She doesn't have any makeup on, except for the black smudges under her eyes. I yawn and remember that I haven't slept. I get a blanket for her and I crawl under my covers.

"What are you doing?" she says quietly.

"Sleeping?" I say confused.

She sits up quickly, "not here!" she paused and looks around the room, "there." she points to my couch in my room. I give the 'are you serious look' and she nods.

"Here," she tosses me a pillow and blanket. She kicked me out of my own bed!

"Is it really that big of a deal if I sleep in the bed with you?" I ask, the couch was to small for me to stretch out.

"Yeah, I don't know you well!" she says. Now she is under the cover and laying with both of my favorite pillows.

I don't see why she would be suicidal. She's skinny, but not to skinny. She is beautiful, and she had friends. She is popular, we have hung out a bunch, with a lot of people. She's funny. I don't see anything wrong with her. Then I drifted off.

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