Chpater Two: A Connection

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"Nash!" I hear my mom whisper while shaking me.

"What?" I say groggily.

"Who's your friend?" she says gesturing to Delilah. I almost forgot she was hear.

"Oh that's Delilah, is it ok if she hangs out, she was in a- accident last night and just got out of the hospital?"

"Well of course, oh good morning dear. Are you hungry?" my mom says turning to Delilah who is now sitting up.

"Good morning. I'm Delilah it's nice to meet you, and yes I am actually," she says sweetly.

"Well come on down we have soup," my mom says heading to the doorway.

"Mom!" I call after her, "she is a little weak from the accident. she can't get down the stairs."

"Then I guess I'll bring some up."


"No, you can come down and get you both a bowl," she snapped back and Delilah giggled.

"Oh you think that's funny, well maybe I won't go get some," I tease.

"Oh no I'm sorry please get the soup," she quickly apologizes.

I laugh, "I was joking, I'll be right back."


Wow. Nash is really cute and sweet. When we hung out before it was a big group of people and I had barely noticed him. I just wish he hadn't seen what a wreak I am.

"Here we are, homemade chicken noodle," Nash said cheerfully popping back in and handing me the bowl.

"Thank you sir," I said taking the bowl

"Can I sit with you this time? I can't really see the tv from over there," he says giving me a pouty face.

"I guess," I smile. He turned on the tv and flips through the channels.

"Well there is nothing on, wanna watch a movie?" I just look at him, "what?"

"Oh I was waiting for the *click* or nah," we both laugh and Nash gets up and picks a movie.

"What did you pick?" I ask when he sits back down.

"Perks of being a wallflower," he says mouth full of food.

"The movie about the kid who tries to commit suicide," I start to fake cry.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry I forgot!" he puts his arms around me to try to console me.

"I'm just kidding! I love this movie,"he looks at me shocked, "now get off of me," I wiggled my shoulders and he retreats his arms.

"Your mean," he pouts. I giggle and look over to see his smile.

"This soup is really good," I say before I shovel in more.


We finish our soup and get more comfortable on the bed. I'm laying against his head board with a pillow in my lap and Nash is doing the same but his hands are in his lap. It is now to the part in the movie when Charlie starts to lose it again.

Nash turns to me, "do you want to talk about?"

"No," yes.

"I am a good listener," he smiles.

"Ok," I say after much mulling over, "so it all started when my parents got divorced. My dad had cheated on my mom and she took it out on me. She was always drinking and when she was drunk she would get angry. She would call me worthless and a waste of time. Then I broke up with my boyfriend because he wanted to have sex and I didn't, but he told everyone we did anyway. Then he got his friends to say I slept with them to. Then everyone thought I was a slut. It all just became to much and I started to believe then. I am pathetic," I look over at Nash and he is still listening.

"Your not pathetic." I smile, "and why the bridge?"

"I can't swim," I say looking at my hands. Visions of standing on the bridge and looking down and the water flash through my mind. I close my eye tightly.


I feel Delilah tense up next to me. Then let out a small whimper of pain it sounded like.

"Delilah?" I say frantic. Her eyes snap open and her body relaxes. Then we go back to watching the movie.

"Hello!" Hayes screams as he burst through my door. Miranda immediately sits up.

"Hayes!" I say annoyed.

"Oh who's this?" he asks moving his eyebrows up and down.

"I'm just a friend," Delilah giggled and slides away from me. Hayes is so annoying.

"Hayes! get out!"

"I just want to meet your friend!"

"Get out!" I yell and then I hear Delilah giggle.

"Fine, if I can borrow that shirt," he says swaying from his toes to his heels.

"Oh my god, fine!" he takes the shirt and leaves.

Delilah breaks out in laughter. Her laugh is so adorable I can't help but laugh along.

"Is. That. Your. Brother?" she says gasping for air between every word.

"Sadly," I sigh. She finally catches her breathe and it is silent. "you have a adorable laugh," She smiles and gets under the blanket.

"Can we watch another movie?" she gives me puppy dog eyes.

"Sure, how about mean girls?" I smile.

"Yay!" she squeals. I pop it in the player and jump back on the bed. "Nash?"


"Why weren't we friends before?"

"To be honest you looked really stuck up," I laugh.

She scoffs, "really, well I will have you know I am very stuck up!"

I laugh, "was I not good enough for you princess?"

"No, I'm not good enough for anyone."

I rip off the covers and she looks up at me with furrowed brows.

"That is not true," I say firmly.

"You don't know that," she says her voice shaky.

"Yeah I know I don't know you that well, but I already know you are beautiful and funny and nice, and that is worth something."


I can feel my eyes filling with tears. I look up at those blue eyes. The tears start to roll down my cheeks. He leans in and puts his arms around me.

"I have to go," I saw pushing him back. I stumble down the stairs. "Thanks for the soup it was nice to meet you," I say and I am out the door before I get a response.

What is wrong with me! I can't stop ruining good things. Is that rain! yep. Rain! With in minutes I am soaked to the bone. The rain is not warm either, it's freezing. Add that with the fact that I attempted suicide and am still weak and you get a girl who probably looks drunk stumbling down the street in the rain. Where am I? Burberry street? Where even is that?! ugh! Woah, I get really dizzy all of a sudden. This what my life is meant to be, a mess. I see an old pencil sharpen in the street. I crawl over to it and get out the razor. I slid it across both my wrist above my stitches. This is the one thing that make me feel alive, in control. The dizziness gets worse. I pull my knees up to my chest. The blood trickles down my fingers into the street and mixes with the rain. My eye sight get fuzzy and I can't think straight. I pull myself over to a tree with all my strength and rest my head against it and then everything is black.

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