Chapter 1

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BEFORE YOU READ: Lily lives in California, but the name of the high school is Westside, like the name of the Jack's actual school back in Omaha.


"Lily! Lily get up we're going to be late!" I heard my sister screeching as she ran into my room.

"What the-" I mumbled as I looked over to my night stand. The time read 7:20, which meant we had 20 minutes before we had to leave to go to our new school.

"Oh shit! Ally why didn't you wake me up earlier!" I exclaimed as I ran into my bathroom, quickly turning on my flat iron and dumping all my makeup onto the counter.

"I thought you were already up!" She yelled from her room as she too ran around quickly getting dressed. I washed my face and quickly brushed my teeth before I applied my makeup basics- concealer, BB cream, mascara and nude lipstick. I began to quickly straighten my hair, well the best i could straighten it in less than five minutes. I then ran out of my room and began to look through my closet and chose a simple outfit- a white v-neck, boyfriend jeans and i pair of nude flats. I put on some stud earrings and my favorite Casio watch and sprayed on some random body spray I stole from Ally's room.

"Let's go Ally!" I yelled as I grabbed my bag and ran out my room and down the stairs, I was surprised to find Ally sitting on our couch.

"Oh you're all ready, okay let's go," I said as I grabbed a water bottle, an apple and my keys and opened the front door.

"What time does school start?" Ally asked me as we climbed onto my Volkswagen beetle.

"8:05 I think, that means we have 15 minutes to get there and pick up our stupid schedule," I groaned. Our new school did this stupid thing were they handed out our schedules the first day of school, meaning we needed to get there early, which was not applying to us at the moment. The rest of the drive was quiet, and I didn't bother trying to start a conversation as I knew Allison was freaking out in the inside. She was a freshman at a completely new school, meaning she knew no one, while I in the other hand, could care less about the new people we would have to encounter in our new school. I learned to not give a fuck about anyone since no one really cares about you. We drove into the school parking lot, which was packed with cars from all models and sizes. I found a free spot by the front and parked there, quickly grabbing my stuff and climbing out.

"Okay we gotta hurry if we don't want to be late to first period," I said as we walked towards the school's entrance. We looked around and saw a crowd of students surrounding a table with a poster over it that read "Pick Up Your Schedule Here!" We both got in line and patiently waited, looking around the crowd.

"Damn he's cute," Ally mumbled into my ear, making me laugh out loud.

"Ally, already looking for a new heart to break?" I joked and she playfully hit me on the arm.

"Name?" a girl sitting behind the table asked, clearly tired of asking the same question over and over again.

"Lily Roberts and Allison Roberts," I smiled kindly and saw Ally roll her eyes.

"I have a mouth ya know," she mumbled as she picked at her hair, which was in a messy side-braid.

"Ya ya whatever," I shrugged as the girl handed us our schedules.

"Next," I heard the girl mumble as we walked away from the table.

"I have math first period, fucking great!" Ally groaned and threw her arms in the air in frustration.

"Hey, at least you get it over!" I smiled in encouragement and looked through my schedule. I had literature, psychology, world history, algebra 2, lunch, french and finally, dance. I was surprised to have made the Varsity Dance Team since a) i was a new student b) i had dropped out of dance in 8th grade.

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