Chapter 33

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"Holy shit, guys he's waking up!" I heard someone say.

"Omg call the doctor!" I heard someone else squeal. What the hell was going on? I tried opening my eyes but everything hurt.

"Jack! Holy shit man come on you can do it!" I recognized the voice. I slowly opened my eyes and bright white lights nearly blinded me. All I saw were blurry figures standing infront of me and I realized I was at the hospital, again. My vision finally cleared and I smiled at how Johnson, Nash, Shawn and Nicole were all staring at me as if I was so type of magical creature.

"Hey," I managed to choke out. They all began cheering and jumping around, which made me laugh, but also made my body hurt.

"About time buddy! You've being knocked out for two days!" Johnson smiled.

"What happened now?" I asked annoyed. Second time I woke up in a hospital, this couldn't turn into a regular thing. I noticed that they all looked at each other and then Nicole spoke.

"It wasn't because of football this time," Nicole said.

"Then? Holy shit everything hurts," I groaned in pain.

"Don't move, we'll go call the doctor," Shawn said.

"You guys still didn't answer my question," I said and they all looked at each other again before walking out.

What the hell was going on?

A couple minutes later, the same doctor that had helped me last time walked inside my room.

"Nice to see you again, Jack," he said sarcastically and I slightly laughed.

"Nice to see you too, doc," I said and took this opportunity to find out what was going to and why was I here.

"Hey um, doc, why am I here?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked as he checked stuff off his clipboard.

"What happened that caused me to come here?" I said.

"Oh Jack, i'm sorry buddy, but you and your girlfriend were in a car crash," He said and I felt my heart drop.


"Wait, what? What car crash? Is she okay? Where is she?" I began to freak out.

"Okay okay calm down Jack, she's going to be okay," He said, but i could tell he was lying.

"I need to see her!" I yelled and i could feel my head pounding.

"Jack you need to calm down," he said.

"No! I need to see my girlfriend!" I exclaimed. Nash and the rest of the group walked in and i began asking them to take me to Lily.

"Can you guys please exit the room?" The doctor asked them and they all looked at me worriedly. He called a nurse and I notice they were messing with my IV and soon I began to feel sleepy and then I passed out.

Lily's POV:

I heard people talking, they all sounded worried, why were they so worried?

"When is she going to wake up?" I heard a familiar voice say.

Who's going to wake up, what's going on?,

I tried saying something, but my mouth wouldn't open. I tried opening my eyes, but those wouldn't open either.

"We can't say when she's going to wake up, there's nothing we can do, it all depends on her if she wants to wake up or not," I heard a very firm voice say.

Love Deferred (A Jack Gilinsky FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now