A Devils Promise

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The heavy door shut with a loud click that echoed around the room we now stood in, and I couldn't stop my heart from racing. Who was that man? What did he want? And why was Bendy afraid of him? I looked over to the little devil himself, watching as he panted and caught his breath. "B-Bendy...?"

Slowly he turned to face me, making an effort to smile without seeming nervous.. and failing. I gave a sigh and tilted my head, looking down to see his hand still in mine. I gave it a gentle squeeze, moving to close the space between us, and realizing that he wasn't so little after all. We were basically the same height. Though he was a tad bit taller.

"Bendy... tell me the truth. What is going on? Who was that... scary man?" I asked him with a shudder. "Is... is he the reason why we were running...?" I could tell Bendy was hesitant to talk about this matter. It was obvious in the way he now looked, and the expression he had on his face. "..please?"

Eventually, Bendy began to rub the back of his neck while biting his lip, giving in to my many questions. "Alright, alright. I'll tell you." He sighed and shook his head slowly, looking at the floor. "That guy... he uh... his name is Sammy. Sammy Lawrence."

My eyes went wide. I knew that name! "Sammy Lawrence?! The Sammy Lawrence!? Th-the man that worked on and created the amazing music for your show? That Sammy Lawrence!?"

Bendy looked a bit surprised as he quickly looked up into my eyes, blinking several times. "Uh.. y-yeah! That's the one, alright. But... he's uh... changed. He's different now. Nuts. Deranged. Coo-coo. Psycho. Crazy." Bendy brought his hand up to his head and made a circle motion with his index finger, sticking out his tongue and crossing his eyes.

I couldn't help but giggle slightly at this, covering my mouth with my right hand. "Crazy, huh? Well... what happened? How'd he go round the bend?" I asked, looking a bit befuddled. Bendy gave a small smile, looking pleased about making me laugh. Though it didn't take long for that smile to fade.

"See, he's the reason why I'm here. Or at least.. the first reason. He used powerful magic in order to bring me, Boris, and even Alice, to life. The magic was very strong... though it should be! What with all the stuff he used to make it happen." Bendy shuddered slightly. "Anyway. The magic wound up cursing him, and now he's stuck with a body made of ink. He'll stop at nothing to reverse his curse, even if it means..." Bendy paused, looking to the side silently, expression melancholy.

"Even if it means... what?" I asked, suddenly feeling a bit queazy in the stomach. They were all brought to life in such an unpleasant fashion, I almost didn't want to know what more Sammy was willing to do. Or even what he was capable of.

He met my eyes once again, his grip on my hand tightening. "...even if it means sacrificing your life.. as an offering to me." My eyes widened, misting with fearful tears at his words. I almost wanted to pull away from his hold, suddenly fearful of Bendy. I didn't want to die! Not like this. I pulled back just slightly, but he stopped me, pulling me back towards him.

"Listen to me, (Y/N). Sammy is obsessed. Delusional. He thinks I'm some kind of... God." He scrunched up his face in distain, shaking his head before looking back into my eyes. "He believes that if he sacrifices someone and serves them up as an offering to me? He thinks I'll give him his human body back! But heck. I'm no God! I'm not a savior or someone to be worshipped! I don't even know how to restore his body in the first place..."

I watched as Bendy's 'horns' drooped down, his troubled gaze resting on the floor. My heart ached for him. I couldn't imagine how that felt! Pulled into a strange world without warning, then thrown onto a pedestal so high... there's no way down in sight. "Bendy..." I placed my free hand beneath his chin, gently lifting his gaze to meet mine. "You don't need to return his body. It wasn't you who took it, so why should you return it?" I gave him a sympathetic smile, cupping his cheek. "It was Sammy's own fault that he lost it. Not yours. He's... not well." I looked over my shoulder towards the door briefly.

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