Bendy and Boris - Keep Her Safe

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I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, my eyes wide as my skin prickled in fear. Was that awful man outside the door? Did he somehow find us this quickly? My grip on Bendy's body tightened at the very thought, and I watched as he held his arm out protectively before me. He really does care for me... doesn't he?

Moments later I could hear footsteps. I'm not sure if this makes any sense but... they didn't sound human to me. Instead they sounded... lighter. Not as intimidating. As I began to rack my brain for ideas of who this could possibly be, the stranger entered the room. "...B-..Boris..?" I asked breathlessly, stunned at seeing my favorite bipedal wolf in person. I couldn't believe it! I felt so relieved. It wasn't Sammy.

Bendy immediately relaxed, his arm falling back to his side as his happy grin returned. "Golly... you scared us half to death, buddy!" He chuckled, walking towards the taller wolf to pull him into a tight hug. Boris gave a smile and a laugh, hugging Bendy back while patting the top of his head, tail wagging behind him.

"Gosh, Bendy! Where have ya been, pal? I was gettin' worried about ya!" Boris asked, pulling back to look Bendy in the eyes... then he looked at me. He gave a confused expression, arching a brow with a partial frown. "Say! Uh... who's that over there?" He asked as he pointed to me, blinking a few times as he seemingly studied me from a distance. I couldn't help but look down, shuffling my feet shyly.

"Oh! Sorry. I should have introduced you right away! Where in the world are my manners??" Bendy grabbed Boris by the arm and dragged him closer to me, looking very eager about our first meeting. "Boris! Meet (Y/N)! She's a good friend of mine." He explained with a happy grin, pulling both of our arms out towards each other, making us shake hands. I blushed nervously, looking up at the much taller wolf with a sheepish smile. "I-it's nice to meet you, Boris! I..I'm a pretty big fan. I think your music is amazing..."

Boris's expression immediately relaxed and he gave me a genuine smile, ditching the handshake and pulling me into his arms for a hug. "Well I'll be! I never thought I'd get to meet an actual fan!" He laughed, looking over to Bendy. "What a treat! How'd ya find her, pal? I didn't think anyone would ever be able to get inside t' see us!" He gave my cheek a lick, and I couldn't stop myself from giggling.

Though as Boris's question sunk in, I gave a sheepish smile, and Bendy gave the same. "I-it's a long story.."


After we both finished telling Boris all that had happened, including how I found sweet little (Y/N), how we fled from Sammy, and how we spent the night hiding away in the Safe Room, he was pretty much completely caught up on all recent events. To be honest? I was glad that he found us! My next move was to go and find him after breakfast anyway. Like I had decided the night prior, we needed help.

"So yeah... that's everything. I'm really glad you found us, Boris old pal! I was about to head out with (Y/N) here and find ya! We really could use your help. " I rubbed the back of my neck with a meek expression. "So... will you help us? I really need to keep her safe. That's the most important thing right now... to me." Almost not believing my own words I could instantly feel my cheeks heating up, giving a nervous cough as I met her blushing gaze. "I-I mean... that is.. uh..." I looked towards Boris as I heard him give a growl.

Boris had folded his arms across his chest and was shaking his head, frowning and 'tsk'ing softly to himself. "Abandoned and locked away in a dark ol' building by her own father." He huffed. "That just makes me downright mad!" Boris stomped the ground with his right foot, eyes narrowing and teeth showing just slightly. "Gosh I'm so peeved! Ohh I could just...!"


I gently took Boris's hand in mine, looking up at him with a smile. "H-hey, it's okay! I'm... actually pretty glad that he locked me up in here. If he didn't? Well... I would never have met you guys." I blushed slightly, knowing that what I had just said was the absolute truth. I was overjoyed to have met my childhood wolf idol, and even more so to have met the darling little devil himself, Bendy.

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