Breakfast with Bendy

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The air was cold. My body shivered and my skin prickled with goosebumps, causing me to open my eyes. "Mmnh... w-wha...?" I looked around, the appearance of my surroundings taking a few moments to register with my brain. 'Ah. That's right. I'm not home. I'm here! With...' I slowly turned my head, looking up to see Bendy's smiling face. His eyes were closed, and his arms and tail were wrapped around me in a protective, possessive manner.

'Bendy...' I gave a soft sigh and a smile, my eyes softening at seeing him again. 'He even smiles in his sleep. Hehe... adorable.' I thought, wondering whether or not I should wake him. Slowly I began to move a hand towards him, still nervously debating about bothering the sleeping little devil.

My hand was inches away from his face when one of his eyes opened, his grin widening. "Good morning, sunshine. Did you sleep well~?" He asked with a snicker, seemingly enjoying my surprised features.

Smiling sheepishly I nodded, giving a little stretch and a yawn. "Mm... yes. I slept very well. Better than I have in a long time, actually.." I blushed and gave him a thankful nod, then glancing towards the window. 'Since when did that happen..?' I wondered to myself, eyeing the strange hole in the middle of the glass.

Bendy, noticing my curious gaze, gave a little chuckle. "Oh that? Well see.. it was getting a little stuffy in here last night, so I uh... created a homemade air conditioner? Heh." He gave a meek smile, rubbing the back of his head while closing his eyes.

I blinked in surprise, wondering how his little home renovation didn't wake me up. "How did you do that?" I asked, mildly impressed with how quietly it was done. At least it explained how cold the rooms air was this morning.

"That's an easy one!" He stretched his arms above his head, sitting up from his side-laying position and pulling me along with him. "I'll show ya~" He brought his right hand up and aimed his palm at an old wooden box, closing one eye and sticking out his tongue in concentration.

Mere moments later, a burst of ink flew from his palm. Just like yesterday in the instrument room. Only this time, instead of simply colliding with the box and making a sound, the ink splat ate straight through the material like acid. Now I was really impressed. "That... was really cool." I giggled and clapped in approval, causing Bendy to give a sitting bow.

"Thank you. Thank you. Anything to please an audience~" He grinned widely, chuckling with a slight blush from the compliment. It looked as though he was ready to say something more, but was interrupted when my stomach gave a painfully hungry growl.

My face flushed, hands flying to my tummy. "A-ah... I guess I'm a little starved..." I murmured in embarrassment, realizing that I hadn't eaten at all previous day. Bendy simply laughed and shook his head, nodding a few times as if he knew this was going to happen.

"That's no problem! I figured you'd be hungry~" He winked, rising to his feet and offering me his hand. "C'mon! Let's go russel up some breakfast. I'm kinda hungry, too." He admitted with a meek smile, looking down at me with a kind, suave stare.

Still blushing from the loudness of my stomach, I eagerly reached out and took Bendy's hand, squeaking as he pulled me gently to my feet. I wobbled a bit, and Bendy was quick to support me until I was able to catch my balance. "Ehehe... th-thanks. So um... what's for breakfast?" I asked curiously, leaning into Bendy as I warily eyed the large steel door. 'Were we going back out there...?'

Bendy gave me a wide grin, his eyes lighting up and sparkling as he made a fist and brought it up to his chest, his other hand now resting on his hip. "Haha! Only the best meal in the entire world!" He exclaimed with excitement. "You'll just love it!.." Bendy then followed my gaze to the door, taking in my concerns almost immediately. "Don't worry, toots. Sammy isn't out there right now. I can feel it..."

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