My mom and I had another fight
I'm so tired of all of this
Sometimes I just want to sleep for hours
Or move to a foreign country
So because I need to vent about at least something
I'm gonna steal a thing that Dorkalicious890 did
It's a list of things I don't like in rps
And if you do this in rps, it doesn't mean I hate you and you should feel like a terrible person, so don't
• I'm beginning to dislike a lot of the "aesthetic" accounts going around, I feel like those people and accounts think they're a step above everyone else. Like, can you pls stop acting like you're high class? It's even worse when said accounts ignore people such as me, who are relatively normal, and JUST rp with the other people who are also considered "aesthetic". Rude much?!
• I hate when admins FORCE you to write an essay for a reply, not everyone is long-winded like that ya know?
• I legitimately hate rude admins, and I've come across a lot. Like, sure, you're the admin and you're hot stuff, but that doesn't mean you can be petty and mean. I especially hate when admins say "no being mean" or whatever in the rules, but then add "but I can, cuz I'm the admin". Whoa, REALLY? That literally makes me want to leave the rp and never come back.
• I hate it when people post their form and jump right into the rp without being accepted. Worse when they don't even post a form but jump right in. Like, uh...?
• I hate it when the admin is named Brave (JK JK 😂)
Now to change it some and list some things I DO like because I feel sorta better:
• I really like those admins who always seem eager and pleasant to rp with you. They'll usually always accept your form with a nice attitude and won't hesitate to answer any questions you have. Those people are so nice.
• I really like shipping my OC with someone else's so if that wasn't altogether obvious
• Well, I feel like I'd like rping Fire Emblem, but like ??? Never joined one (also scared to because I don't know Fates)
• I like it when I actually have good OC's (when has this happened? never haha)
(Rip okay I'm done because I've had this open for 20 minutes and can't think of anything else to add)