i just realized the bd squad is like
D e a d
Alternis is dead
Edea is dead
Tiz is...
okay i can't joke about tiz that way sorry
If we're honest though, it was only fairly recently that I came back from the dead myself
Guys we should all give Mae a few rounds of applause for staying alive
Okay! Moving onto stuff that maybe won't annoy/bore people.
I apologize for not doing what I said I would with the Sharena account. I would make a bunch of excuses and explain how a lot of stuff went down irl recently (yes, again -.-), but I have the feeling that it's getting a little, I dunno, repetitive?
(Doesn't mean it isn't true, though.)
I do plan to do it soon though, and as for why, well...
Chapter 12, Part 5. The Mask Cracks.
that was by far the worst cliffhanger yet
dangit fe you know how to torture people don't you