FinalHero- is back. ^^
And I got a tag to do! From Sheik1998, thanks Ash!
1.) What kind of phone do you have?
iPhone 5s
2.) Do you have a crush?
like, in real life? hahahahahahahahahyesbuthelikessomeoneelseso
^ that right there is more handsome than said "in real life crush" anyway,,
3.) Birthday?
It's in December! So, kinda soon! ^^
(PM me if ya wanna know the exact date, I don't mind! Some of you prolly remember anyhow.)
4.) Best friends?
MaeBean- and Chrispai and Abigary are probably the people I annoy the most? Is that what friendship is?
5.) Favorite Song?
Currently, it is Believer by Imagine Dragons. Buuuut, it'll change.
6.) Biggest Fear?
Losing those I love.
7.) Your hair color?
Definitely rainbow. Roygbiv. Why is this suddenly bold what imleavingit
8.) Favorite subject?
Mm... I really don't enjoy any aspect of school anymore...
I'll go with Spanish? It's easy. ^^"
9.) Favorite Sport?
Making toast.
And that's all! Bai~!