again, spoilers for tov ahead — i should really take off that costume but i'm not gonna
So, to start, I did the coliseum with Raven.
Again? Wh-What do you mean, again?! I don't know what you're talking about! >////<
Deep inside the depths of Nordopolica, our man stands ready to take on the 100 man melee in the coliseum.
[ dang these pics are grainy i'm sorry ]
Here we see our brave hero [ Brave's Hero? ] awkwardly posing for the camera.
The 100 man melee begins!
i paused at the right time,,
i'm crying
100 men later
that sounds so bad,,
Raven made crepes and finally mastered them, leading to one of the best skits I've ever seen.
"Told ya. They love me!"
Oh, my mom made fun of Raven while I was fighting in the coliseum and I was a n g e r e d
But I ignored her
There's both of his eyes XD
Tell me if I should stop doing this btw-
It's fun for me but I know I can be annoying ^^"