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"See you soon babe :)"

The text reads. You get out of bed and start getting ready for your date with Jc.

You take a quick shower to wake yourself up a bit. When you get out, you dry off and walk over to your closet.

You decide to wear a short pink dress that is a little tight on top, and flowy on the bottom.

You wear your open-toe pink pumps that have bows on the front.

You walk into the bathroom and blow-dry your hair. You leave it down, and tease it a little to give it some volume. You put on some pink eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara.

You walk over to your dresser and put on a golden spiked necklace, and some golden spiked bracelets.

Just as you finish putting on your lip gloss, you hear the doorbell ring.

"COMING!!" You scream as you walk downstairs slowly, being careful not to trip.

You arrive at the door, and open it up to see Jc standing there in a tuxedo, looking sexy as ever.

"Wow. You look.. Amazing." Jc says breathless as he looks you up and down.

"Thanks. You look so handsome in your tux!" You say to Jc.

"Thanks babe." Jc says as he pulls you in for a kiss. The kiss lasted a while, until you pulled apart realizing that you still had to go on your date.

"You ready?" He asks.

"Yeah, let's go!" You say as you grab your phone and close the door. Jc takes your hand and you walk to the car together.

"Here ya go!" Jc says as he opens the car door for you. You thank him and carefully step inside of the car.

After a while of driving, you decide to ask, "So what are we doing?"

"Well, first we're going out to dinner, then afterwards I have a little surprise for you." Jc says smirking, still keeping his eyes on the road.

You get all excited, wondering what the surprise could be. Once you arrive at the restaurant, Jc quickly gets out of the car to open the door for you.

"Thank you." You say as you step out of the car.

"Any thing for you." Jc says as he kisses you on the cheek and grabs your hand, leading you inside of the restaurant.

"Two for Caylen please." He says to the hostess.

"Right this way, sir." She replies smiling, as she brings you to your table. You look out of the window to your left, and you see the moon shining brightly in the distance.

The whole time during dinner, you notice Jc acting a bit nervous. You decide not to ask him about it and to just leave it alone.

~*~*~*~*~*Time Pass~*~*~*~*~*

Once you both finish eating, you go back to the car, and Jc starts driving towards your secret.

Sooner or later, you arrive at the beach.

"Babe, are we allowed to be here this late?" You ask getting out of the car.

"Haha, who knows? No ones here to stop us, so why not?" Jc says as you two start walking in the sand.

As you two are talking and walking on the shoreline, you look up and notice a bunch of fairy lights all around you.

"Woah." You say in awe as you take in the amazing scenery.

"Haha, you like it?" Jc asks.

"Yeah. It's beautiful." You say, still looking around.

"Just like you." Jc says as he gives you a cheeky grin. You blush at his comment, then look ahead and notice a small gazebo a few feet away. You two walk onto it, and stand there for a moment overlooking the water.

Jc grabs your hands and turns you towards him, and he starts talking.

"(Y/N), these past couple of months with you have been the best months of my life. I've known you for a long time, and I was so happy when you agreed to be my girlfriend. You're so funny, smart, gorgeous, and the list goes on and on. You're just overall so amazing. We've had some crazy times in our life, and we've been on so many fun adventures together. I love you so, so, so much. You never fail to make me happy, and I wanna be with you forever. So (Y/N) I was wondering, will you marry me?" Jc finishes as he gets down on one knee and pulls a black box out of his pocket, and opens it up to reveal a large diamond ring.

You start crying and you try to say yes, but nothing comes out, so you just nod instead. Jc smiles, and slides the ring onto your finger. He stands up and engulfs you in a ginormous hug. You cry happy tears into his chest.

You wipe your tears away and smile at him. He smiles back and gives you a kiss. This kiss is full of passion and love, and you know that he'll never let you go.

Suddenly, you hear someone clear their throat behind you. You turn around expecting to see a cop, but instead you see all of your friends, including O2L, standing there. Each person had a card in their hand that had a letter on it, and all together it spelled out:


You stand there surprised and they all start cheering and start running to over to you and Jc.

By now, everyone is crying and cheering at the same time. In the midst of it all, Jc finds you in the crowd and wraps his arms around your waist. You look up at him and he stares into your eyes, and gives you another kiss.

He separates and whispers in your ear, "I'm so glad to call you my fiancé, and soon to be wife."


Awwww I thought this was a cute chapter. COMMENT AND TELL ME IF I SHOULD DO A WEDDING FANFIC!!!!

It'll be like the sequel to this. Buuuuut anyways, thank u all so much for the reads omg u don't know how much that means to me. I feel like I say this everytime, but it's true! I love u all!!!!!!

Follow me on twitter if ya want :)


Welp that's really it. Also, read my other story! It's about Jc too. It's on ma profile :).

But once again thanks for reading!! Also, thank u all so much for making me happy :). Ur comments really do mean a lot to me. Honestly. I luv u <3.

Peace, Samirah (su-MEER-uh)

(P.S. I'm using my full name now lol and u say it like {su-MEER-uh} so just a little FYI! :•])

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