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"Jc! Where are my white heels?" You scream down to your roommate, Jc, who is also getting ready for the party you're going to.

"I don't know! They're probably somewhere in your room!" He screams back.

You start searching around your room for your white sparkly heels. You sigh, giving up. As you walk over to the bathroom, you trip over something and fall on the floor, causing a loud thud to rumble throughout the house.

"What was that?" Jc screams. "Is everything okay?"

"I'm fine!" You scream back. You look in front of you, and see your heels lying on the floor. "I found my heels!"

"Good!" Jc says.

You stand up and brush yourself off. You walk into the bathroom to get ready. You put on some light makeup, and tease your hair a bit.

You walk back out to your closet and grab your white dress. You slip it on, and look at yourself in the mirror. The dress bunches up at your hips so you try to pull it down, but you have no luck.

"I guess it's supposed to be like that." You think.

You put on your matching heels, and check yourself one more time in the mirror.

"Damn, you look good." Jc says. You turn around and see him leaning on your doorframe, smirking at you.

"Shut up." You say, rolling your eyes playfully. "You look good too."

"I know." He says chuckling. You laugh along with him. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah let's go." You respond, grabbing your phone and following Jc out the door.

About 15 minutes later, you and Jc arrive at the party. There's drunk people all over the lawn.

"How long ago did the party start?" You ask Jc as you walk up to the door.

"I don't know, maybe like an hour ago. Why?"

"Because so many people are already drunk. It's crazy." You say.

"I know right?" Jc says. He opens the front door to the house. As soon as it creaks open, loud music fills your ears and all you see is people dancing and having a good time. You and Jc go your separate ways. He heads off to find his friends, and you head to the dance floor.

About an hour later, you were still dancing. Out of nowhere, you feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist. You stop dancing momentarily, and turn your head to see that it's Jc.

"Having fun?" He yells in your ear, trying to talk over the loud music.

"Yeah, are you?" You scream back. He nods and starts dancing with you.

After a while of pumping your fists and swinging your hips to the rhythm of the music, you start to get a little tired. You and Jc slow down and start swaying back and forth together.

"You know, you honestly look amazing tonight." Jc says with a small smile.

"Thanks." You respond. You turn your body towards him, and you stare into each other's eyes.

Jc starts to slowly lean into you. All at once, the music gets quieter, the lights get dimmer, and everything seems to fade away except for you and Jc. His soft lips connect with yours, and your lips move in sync. It's like the world stopped. Everything seems right.

When you two pull away, you come back to reality. The music fills your ears again and you regain your senses.

"You wanna go home early?" Jc asks.

"Yeah let's go."

Jc grabs your hand and you two make your way back to the car, and drive home. And let's just say, you two make some magic happen ;)))))))))


WHAT WAS THAT ENDING LSKMSOXMXLSLAKDOs I had no real ending to this story lmao whateverrrr this chapter was pretty bad and pointless haha

Guess what? My birthdays in 4 dayssss!! And SO IS DIGIFESTTTT!!!! It's all on June 7th!! I'm so excitedddd!!

Okay, should I make a wedding chapter? I made a proposal one, so should I like continue from that one? Idk. Lemme knooooo

I don't really know if people read this book anymore lol so idk if I should update anymore?¿

Welp u should follow me on twitter cuz I'm on there literally 24/7. It's @janosftcaylen and if u tweet me that u read my fanfic then I'll follow u back and DM u <3

Welllllll thank ya for all the reads and votes and comments!! U don't realize how happy that stuff makes me. Honestly :)

Okay this is it lol goodbyeeee oh and u should tweet me happy birthday on June 7th. Jusss sayinnnnn!! Btw I missed u guys :) I'll try to update more often but I need a confirmation that people still read this book ! Thank ya =]


Samirah (su-MEER-uh)

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