grind on me. +

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CREDITS TO TUMBLR (i think. i forgot where i got it from...oops)

turning white and the edge of the counter was pressed hard into his back, but all he could think about was the gorgeous boy beneath him and the immense pleasure that he was being given. Niall licked and sucked, finally taking the whole of Harry into his mouth. Harry's legs buckled and his body shook as Niall's magic mouth finally caused him to cum.

Harry felt a tug on his hand and was pulled silently into Niall's room. After being pushed onto the bed, he pulled himself back further and watched as Niall shuffled through his bag. Niall stripped and climbed back onto the bed and positioned himself in front of Harry. The younger boy watched in partial shock as Niall began to prep himself. Harry couldn't resist the temptation and began stroking himself until Niall moved his hands away. The elder climbed on top of Harry and lowered himself until Harry was completely inside him. Immediately, Harry moved his hands to Niall's waist and helped moved him up down as Niall rode him. Both were slowly building up their climaxes, sweating and moaning like crazy. Soon enough, Harry came for the second time that night. He let out a stream of deep moans, but continued to bounce Niall on top of him until he let out a string of cuss words and came.

Niall let out a breath as he climbed off of Harry and sat in front of him. "Will you stop constantly grinding me now? I might not be able to hold myself back in public." Laughing, he hopped off of the bed and left Harry alone.

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