funny accident.

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Hey, Ni." Harry moved to the side and held the door open. "Did you remember the movies?"

Niall pushed past and tossed his bag to the floor. "Of course I remembered them. It's not like I'm going to forget my one job."

"I don't know.. it's happened before." Harry trailed off teasingly as he walked to the kitchen to fetch them each a beer.

"Oh, one time, one time, I forgot the tickets and I never hear the end of it."

Harry re-entered the room, set the drinks on the table and ruffled Niall's hair as he plopped down next to him on the couch. "We missed like half of the game because of that, so I don't think you will ever hear the end of it. Anyway, have you already eaten or should we get a pizza?"

By the middle of the second movie,Harry had slunk down and let himself be shielded in Niall's arms. Usually, he was good with scary movies. He acutally enjoyed them, but for some reason, this one just got to him.

Harry managed to make it through the movie, but seemed to compress himself further into Niall's grip. The movie had just ended when Harry turned to tell Niall that they should switch to comedies. At the same time, Niall had turned to ask Harry what they should do next. The two stopped, facing eachother, no less than an inch apart. That was close, they both thought, or maybe it wasn't close enough. Harry kept his eyes on Niall's, but Niall's roamed to Harry's lips. He moved his head down the small distance necessary to press his lips to Harry.

The kiss was reciprocated, but only for a moment before the two jumped back. "Uh, wow.. what a funny accident.." Niall treailed off as he fiddled with the collar of his shirt.

"Yeah.. accident," Harry agreed as he sat up properbly, creating more distance between the two.

After a smll moment of slighlty awkward silence, Harry spoke up. "Hey, Niall?"

Niall looked over, making eye contact for the first time since the... accident, and relpied with a small "yeah?"

"What if I didn't want for it to be an accident?" Niall started to reply, but Harry cut him off. "Just hear me out on this, okay?"

Niall nodded and Harry continued. "Well, uh," Harry let out a breath, "I've kind of had a kinda crush on you for a while now, and I completely understand if you never want to talk to me agian, but it needed to come out, and hey I guess now is as great a time as any, yeah?" Niall stayed silent, so Harry continued. "So.. uhm, if you feel uncomfortable or anything, I'll completely understand if you never want to talk to me agian, or if you just want to keep being friends, but if by some off chance that you actually maybe like me too, I was.. well, I was wondering if you'd quite possibly like to be my uhm.. boyfriend."

Niall let out the breath that he had been holding "God, I'm happy that you're not shy." Niall moved back next to Harry and grabbed his hand. "I swear I've had a crush on you since we met. Yes, I would love to be your boyfriend."

Harry sighed and let his head fall so that it rested against Niall's chest. "I thought that you were going to hate me. I swear I almost died just there."

Niall brought up his free hand and let it run through Harry's hair. From day one, he wondered what it would feel like to do that. He even had to restrain himself a few times so that Harry wouldn't freak out and think that he was weird.

Harry lifted his head and smiled at Niall. "Can we watch comedies now?"

Tilting his head back in laughter, Niall replied, "But I was having so much fun with you hiding under my arm."

"If I still cuddle with you, can we change it?"

"Alright, fine." Niall stood up and switched out the horror for the latest comedy as Harry stayed on the couch, protected by his blanket.

He returned and Harry crawled back into his place with Niall holding him tightly. Every now and then Niall would lean down and steal a kiss, because come on, who wouldn't kiss Harry? Eventually, the two fell asleep tangled together on the couch with more than happy smiles spread across their faces.

i love narry sm this was really cute to me.

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