resolving issues. +

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sorry i haven't updated in awhile :/ so here's some smut to make up for it ;)

Niall whimpered lightly as he was dragged away from the leggy blonde. "Why can't I?" He asked for the third time to Paul.
"There's too much paparazzi out for you to be seen with a one night stand. Plus, you're sharing a room tonight." He jerked his arm from Paul and walked forward to a stumbling Harry. Harry snickered and threw his arm around Niall. "Hey, Niall. How's it goin'?" Niall shot Harry a mean glance and quickly readjusted his trousers in an attempt to relieve the pressure. "Hm. She was pretty fit. I see she's already worked you up." Harry eyed the large bulge as the elder boy's cheeks burned red.
"Shut it."
"Too bad we're sharing a room." Harry snickered again as he held the door open for them. Niall shot him another glare as he entered. He kicked of his shoes and pulled off his shirt, tossing them close to his bag. He bit his lip as he removed his trousers, loving the feeling of them rubbing against him, but hating the fact that he could do nothing about it because of Harry. He hesitantly climbed under the covers, still attempting to hide himself from Harry. He would most definitely be the joke of the week. He settled down on his back with his hands on the outside of the covers. He had to wait until Harry was asleep. Shouldn't be much longer now, Harry was quite drunk. Breathing heavily, he peeked at him from the corner of his eye. He was just removing his pants, leaving him completely naked.
This was only making Niall's issue worse. Sure, Niall had seen Harry naked plenty of times, but he always managed to retain himself. But now, with his "issue" already peaked, he could barely control himself. He knew what he would be thinking about tonight. He blushed at the thought and slid around underneath the blanket, eager for movement and contact. Hearing Harry chuckle, he quickly froze. What he heard next was unexpected. In a low husky growl, Harry slowly and seductively stated; "I could help you with that, you know."
Niall swallowed the large lump that had formed in his throat as he contemplated as to whether or not Harry was pranking him. Harry let out a deep chuckle, making Niall feel stupid. Of course it was a joke. He sighed and closed his eyes. Maybe he could just fall asleep... He was trying to make up stories in his head to distract himself, but was failing miserable. The covers shuffled and a cool draft his his bare skin. It was soon replaced by a radiating body heat as Harry's was pressed to him. "I wasn't joking," he whispered. His hot breath hit Niall's neck, making Niall's own breath falter. Alcohol was present on his breath. Harry placed his hand on Niall's neck and ran it down to his chest, then to his stomach to trace the lines there, then to the waistband of his pants to run his fingers along the edge. "Do you want me to help, Nialler?" Niall let out a soft breathy moan, eyes still shut, and nodded quickly. Harry rolled over him, his dick resting on Niall, making the Irishman moan. Harry quickly pecked Niall's lips before moving down. He pulled Niall's pants down quickly, making him hiss at how close he was to having his issue resolved.
Harry took the base between his index finger and thumb and ran them up to the head before placing a soft kiss on the tip. Niall let out a whimper. He felt like he was going to explode and this teasing wasn't helping him. "Harry," he whined, keeping his eyes locked on Harry's plump pink lips.
"Yes, Niall?"
He shut his eyes, pushing his head back into the pillows as Harry slowly slid his fingers from base to tip once again. "Please?"
"Please what, Niall?" Harry returned his fingers to the base of his dick and squeezed lightly. Niall let out another moan and wiggled his hips.
"P-please suck me, Harry." Harry chuckled again before ducking back down. He let his nose hit Niall's penis before running the tip of his tongue in the same track as his thumb had traveled moments ago. "Ehhnnn, fuck," Niall whispered as Harry circled his head with his tongue before taking Niall into his mouth fully. Niall bucked his hips forward instinctively, sending him to the back of Harry's throat. His moans became continuous as Harry moved into a steady rhythm, hollowing his cheeks and taking what he could into his mouth and stroking the rest with his hand. Niall was bound to release at any moment now. This was easily the best blow job he had ever received. He opened his eyes and looked down at Harry only to find his gorgeous green eyes staring through his lashes back up at Niall. That was enough to send Niall over the edge. Harry swallowed and continued tending to Niall as he settled back down. Once he was done, Harry quickly pecked him on the lips and climbed off of Niall's bed.
"Harry?" Niall questioned after finally composing himself.
"Yes, Niall?" The covers to the other bed ruffled, signaling that Harry was back into his own bed.
"Of course, Niall. I'll expect you to return the favor eventually."
"Of course, Harry."

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