"why does anyone have to be naked?"

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okay so the place i'm staying at DOES have wifi so here's an update :).


"Are you really sure that this is legit?"  Niall asks him.

"Of course, I talked to my professor, our last model dropped out, and we need someone to paint.  Its just two hours Ni and then you don't have to worry about rent."  Harry tells him as both of them walk through the campus.

"I start next week, and I'll have my first paycheck in two and a half weeks.  Can't you just lend me the money?"  Niall looks more and more uncomfortable as they get closer to the building.  Harry has lived next door to him for the last two years of Uni.  But he really started fancying him long before that.  He's pretty sure it was his first day of classes when he ran into Niall while Harry was trying to find his way around the campus. Niall had been loud but helpful and walked him half way across campus to his first class.  To say that Harry had been infatuated at first sight is an understatement.  It didn't take long for them to become fast friends and Harry had been over the moon when Niall had moved in next door.

When Niall graduated uni just three months ago Harry was afraid that he would move away and that would be the end of their friendship and the fun things like movie nights and Tuesday Trivia pub nights.  But not to worry- Niall didn't go anywhere, just started searching for his job that would be his career and stayed put living right next door to Harry.

He starts his brand new job at the music studio next Monday and he just needs a little bit of cash to float him until then.  Luckily Harry's art class needed a model and well- Harry really wanted to paint him, it may also be a perk that Niall was going to be naked, or mostly naked.  At least Harry hoped he would.

"You know I don't have extra money lying around.  Besides this will be the easiest money you've ever made.  Just stand there and look pretty."  Truth be told that isn't going to take much, Niall's always pretty to look at.

Harry pulls open the door for him and there are already students there gathered around where the professor has a low bar stool set up.

"I'm going to go and put my stuff down; I'll be back in a sec."  Harry goes to his station, settles his stuff in and just wonders how this is going to work.  As luck would have it he doesn't have to think too much about it because just as he's coming back to Niall the professor is talking to him, Niall smiling and shaking her hand.

Just as Harry makes his way over he hears the "...you can take your clothes off when you are ready, just set them over there."  She walks away she motions to a small table just off to the side.  She's already complete gone so she doesn't see the way that Niall pales and he turns those wide blue innocent eyes on Harry.

"What?"  He ask and  Harry does his best to look nonchalant shrugging his shoulders trying to show the indifference like, hey you're going to be naked what does it matter? No biggie.


"The girl model was naked last week."  Harry tells him trying to calm the other boy down.

"Why does anyone have to be naked?"  Niall stutters it pulling down on his shirt, like he's trying to keep it in place and Harry can't believe that he's uncomfortable or unconfident... that would be ridiculous.  Niall is clearly one of the most attractive people on the planet.  And, and he's always walking around in just jogging shorts- Harry's pretty sure he's caught him in the halls in just his pants before.  Surely Niall isn't...shy?

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