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also, thank you guys so much for 1k reads!! i'm so happy!

A lad walked along the streets of London, with his dog – his guide dog – that was stressful. All that he thought was why am I walking in busy streets at noon? Or why did I forget to tell Greg I was going for a walk? Or where am I going? All he knew was he could hear the cars honking, probably at other drivers. He could hear angry drivers yelled "Ya bastard, move!" or, "Ya freaking idiot!" and even more car honking.

About 10 feet away, there was another lad, only a few months younger than Mr. Blind was, and he was cranky today. There was no reason – for him at least – to be angry. All he knew was, his best mate, and roommate, Louis, was a pain in his arse this morning. Harry, the young lad, was having a dispute with Louis over the mess Louis was causing in their shared place. Harry is a bit of a neat freak, while Louis was not exactly a 'slob' but he was not exactly neat either. Louis would usually leave a mess everywhere in the house, including his own room. Not that it should matter to Harry, of course, it is his room, but it should be cleaner. Especially if his, new, girlfriend would be over often.

Harry collided into someone, and heard a dog bark as he did.

"Watch where you're going!" Harry yelled, not even feeling bad at that moment.

"I'm sorry." The other, male, murmured. "Damn dog," The male voice muttered, hoping he was scolding his dog. The dog whimpered, more as if he was sad, and wished his owner could see the sad pout on his doggy face.

"Wait– dog?" Harry muttered, finally looking at whom he collided into, and why it's 'damn dog' and why he didn't just walk away. His eyes met the male, about his age, with sunglasses, and a dark brown dog – with a blue leash – and he was rather attractive – if Harry was admitting it.

"Oh, um, it's fine. I'm just a bit...prissy today." Harry muttered, trying his best to not rage out on the poor lad again.

"Oh no, I'm still sorry though, can't see you, so, whatever." The boy shrugged, smiling politely at the – unseen to him – taller fella.

"Wait– does that mean you're blind?" Harry slightly stuttered, questionably to the shorter blond-haired male.

"Oh, yes, and have been most of my life." The blond shared, smiling – almost like he won something.

Happy fella, for someone who is blind, Harry thought. Oh and he is a handsome one too, Harry thought – hoping he was not blushing at his thought.

"You still there?" The blond asked, reaching his hand towards – where he last heard the taller male's voice – hoping he was there. Harry hesitantly grabbed his hand, before muttering:


Harry was never shy. He was not very cocky either though. Harry usually could pick up a conversation with anyone, but just this first, and hopefully not last, conversation makes him nervous.

"Oh, err, this is awkward – since we just met – but could you maybe help be to the nearest...Nando's?" The blond asked, sounding confused.

Of course he is confused, Harry; he is blind you idiot , Harry thought.

"Of course...wait, before I do, I need your name...cutie." Harry knew flirting with a blind person would be easier, because he would not see how nervous he looked saying it.

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