New Account / Preview of New Book

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So school has been out for almost a week now and I have made my new account. In this new one is where I will be starting my new beginning... I suppose. I will be reborn again! Hopefully this time I can overcome my procrastinator personality and get a book finished. HAHA.

Knowing myself, that will probably not happen because I tend to put too much faith into myself and I just end up getting disappointed.

Anyway, my new account name is musmusey if you are interested. There is a book that I will be posting on that account when I finally feel like it is good enough to share with the public. The name of the book I am working on is called Hounds and it is set some time in the future.

Heres a little preview, that is still a working progress.  This is giving me such anxiety to post but I am very excited about it so I'm just going to post it now and instantly regret it.

So here it is  ...                      -0-

"Who exactly are the hounds?"

She scoffs, my question seems to be enough to pull her away from her concentration away from the watch on her wrist. "Are you saying they didn't tell you about them in your training?"

"No, no they did," I quickly respond, "It was just very brief."

Sighing Rivern turns to face me, "Well first off it's what not who. The hounds may look like they are human, but they are not. They are criminals with no value of human life and extremely dangerous. The only purpose Hounds are to us are to act as a physical and mental shield. With them hunting and in some cases killing these bigger criminals we don't have to worry about our crime measures rising. As I'm sure you know our Hounds are not just pulled out of the streets, they are bred to be the best of the best and we have even managed to train them a little. Despite that you have to be firm with them, you have to let them know that you're in charge. Got it Halmes?" She asks.

Before I can even nod a huge black police paddy wagon comes zooming around a corner capturing my attention. The vehicle skids to a stop right in front of where we are standing. Not a moment later do the doors of the back slowly start to swing open and soon a tall, lean man comes striding out of the new opening. Both hands are bound behind his back by handcuffs and a blackout mask covers his eye. Following closer behind him is a detective with a small handgun pressed to the back of his head, despite this the tall man holds a straight and calm composer. Is he one of the Hounds?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2017 ⏰

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