My Life is Turning into a Fan Fiction!!! (But without a celeb.)

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So you know how in every fan fiction the girl always had an obsession with Starbucks and they always meet the guy of their dreams there? (mainly 1D fan fiction)

Yeah something like that happened to me. So I made my mom take me to Starbucks before I went to school because I wanted the tai tea. Green Tai Tea is sooo good. So anyway my mom brought me there and it was super busy so we went inside instead of the drive through because there where like ten people in line.

When we got inside, I was running to catch up with my mom. As I ran to catch up I opened the door and ran right into this kid who goes into my school. This kid is the kid that everyone has had a crush on at least once.

Everyone but me.

This kid and I don't get very good along well we just don't talk to each other. He's in my French class and the teacher keeps pairing us together and we just stand there and look anywhere but at each other and it's super awkward.

I CAN SPEAK FRENCH!!! It's awesome!! It makes me feel so professional. So yeah.

My dog has gone missing! I don't know where she went! My cat already disappeared and now my dog has too! I miss her already.

Thanks for reading this nonsense.

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