My Love Stories

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My random tragic love stories

My crush almost killed me on a skateboard.

Yeah your probably wondering, how did this happen? Well I am going to tell you my children so gather around. Did every body go pee do you have a snack? You do. Good.

Our story begins with a young girl named Macy (me) who was riding her bike to school with a friend. On their way they talked about Teen Wolf, hot men, and creepy old dudes in sketchy white vans, you know the usual.

They got to school and locked up their bikes. They started to walk to the front of the building when Macy remembered something, "Hey I forgot my cereal!" She yelled gaining a look from some random teacher. Then she hurried back to her bike and snatched the baggy of cereal before waddling back to her waiting friend.

When she got back her friend held out her hand indicating that she wanted some, Macy let out a long sigh and poured some into her hand. As they got closer to the front doors of hell Macy thought it would be best to put her cereal away so she poured some into her hand before stuffing the remains into her pocket for later.

They pushed the doors open and silently walked towards the doors that lead outside. Since they got to school pretty early like they do every day. They were almost there when Macy's crush (we are just going to call him......hottie) hottie literally came out of nowhere on a skateboard. He literally came out of a corner of the room. So he was doing a circle thing. And Macy thought "hey it would be nice if I got out of his way" so she started to move to left and out of his way but that was the same way hottie was going Macy panicked and moved closer to the wall not wanting him to hit her. (Let's just say he's not the smallest guy but he is not fat!) But hottie got closer to Macy so Macy pressed herself against the wall while trying to eat her cereal. Hottie was so close to hitting her he was like | | that close.

Then he took a quick turn and was gone. Apparently her friend just walked on through the circle eating her cereal all causally like what ever while her friend is being squished up against the wall trying so hard not to get hit by the guy she's liked since fifth grade.

She could of died two ways trip and fall on her face.

Or, trip hottie, hottie falls on her, she dies because of the weight that's on top of her with her cereal spread all across her dead body. But hey she would have died happily.

Then her death stone thing would say 'Death by Hottie on skateboard' which would just be sad.

Anyway that's what happened then it happened again at her locker after lunch the same day. She was getting the stuff out for her next class when she turned around to see guys all huddled around ones locker which happened to be right next to hers.

She was just about to leave to join her really good friend Riley (626rice) when hottie was pushed into her. "I don't want to die again." She said loud enough for Riley to hear but also hottie heard. So that was awkward.

The extremely hot waiter

So I went on this cruise with a really good friend of mine and when it was time for dinner you would go down into the dining area.

Well anyway we just got on the boat and leaving Jamaica when it was dinner time. And this night was a causal night so we didn't have to get all dressed up.

So we headed down to the dining area and took out assigned seats. The tables were really close together so we sat next to a random family that I called our dinner friends.

So we ordered our main course and ate and talked and laughing and stuff like that.

And then it was time to order our desserts and this was when the really attractive waiter came to take our orders and he was hot. I have been watching him since we set foot on the ship.

I thought tonight is the night were I get to talk to him. So he came to me first to take my order and and I said. "I'll have the cheese cake please." But it was really loud in here and he couldn't hear me so he was all like, "What?" And got closer to my face. And I repeated my self but I still wasn't loud enough so he came closer and asked what again and I didn't realise he was so close to my face so I decided I would say it louder.

"I WILL HAVE THE CHEESE CAKE!!" I literally yelled an his face was really close to mine and I scared him just a little.

My friend on the other hand was sitting there all calm like, "I will have the same thing." She said loud enough for him to hear her but not to loud to kill his eardrums.

Yeah I am so good when it comes to playing it cool.

The next night he wasn't there and I asked my friend where she thinks he might be and of course being the corrupt person she is she replied with, "Oh he died."

And I was all like "No that couldn't happen."

"Maybe he was left at the Cave Man island."

"No I doubt he was."

"Then he died."

"NO!" I said just a little bit to loud. Her dad looked over to me and asked, "Are you okay?"

I nodded my head, "Yeah I thought I dropped my ring, but I didn't," I said as my friend was holding in her breath trying not to burst out laughing.

It didn't come to me that I probably scared him until one of my other friends told me that I probably scared him so he asked to leave. As much as that hurts me it's most likely true because I was screaming in my seat and staring at him. *stares off into the distance in horror*

And this children is why you are lucky you aren't Macy.

Do you have any tragic love stories? Tell me in the comments below.

So if your reading this comment your favorite TV show. I am just curious so yeah.

So GOOD BYE my peeps!

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