Jari-jari Ali bergerak kesana-kemari di atas tuts hitam dan putih, menciptakan sebuah nada dan akhirnya menjadi sebuah lagu. Dengan lihai Ali terus memainkan pianonya, kali ini Ali memainkan lagu dari Bruno Mars yang berjudul When I was Your Man. Dihayati nya lagu yang ia mainkan hingga lagu berakhir, sebuah tepuk tangan terdengar di telinga Ali membuat Ali menoleh ke belakang melihat siapa orang yang berani masuk ke private room nya.
"Prilly" sapa Ali
"Hay Li, keren banget tadi main pianonya" kata Prilly
Prilly berjalan menghampiri Ali, sampai di samping Ali ia memberikan satu kecupan dipipi kanan Ali. Ali tersenyum, ia menggeser tubuhnya memberi tempat untuk Prilly duduk di sampingnya. Prilly langsung duduk di sebelah Ali.
"Main lagi dong" kata Prilly
"Mau lagu apa hem?" tanya Ali
"Talking to the Moon" kata Prilly
"Okey, kita duet ya" kata Ali
Ali mulai kembali menggerakkan jari-jarinya di atas tuts. Nada intro mulai terdengar, hingga Prilly pun mulai menyanyikan lagunya
"I know you somewhere out there, somewhere far away, I want you back, I want you back" nyanyi Prilly
"My neighbors think I'm crazy, but they don't understand, You all I have, You all I have" sambung Prilly
"At night when the stars light up my room, I sit by my self" nyanyi Prilly lagi
"Talking to the moon, Try to get to you, In hopes you're on the other side talking to me too, Or am I a fool, Who sits alone, Talking to the moon" nyanyi Ali dan Prilly
Mereka pun nyanyi bersama hingga akhir lagu ditutup dengan mereka bernyanyi saling bertatapan. Senyum muncul di wajah keduanya, Prilly memberikan tepuk tangannya sekali lagi.
"Aku ada lagu nih buat kamu" kata Ali
"Lagu apa?" tanya Prilly
"Over and Over Again nya Nathan Sykes" kata Ali
Ali pun kembali menggerakkan tangannya di atas tuts hitam putih itu.
Ali mulai menyanyikan lagunya :
From the way you smile to the way you look
You capture me unlike no other
From the first hello, yeah, that's all it took
And suddenly we had each otherAnd I won't leave you
Always be true
One plus one, two for life
Over and over againSo, don't ever think I need more
I've got the one to live for
No one else will do, and I'm telling you
Just put your heart in my hands
Promise it won't get broken
We'll never forget this moment
Yeah, we'll stay brand-new 'cause I'll love you
Over and over again
Over and over againFrom the heat of night to the break of day
I'll keep you safe and hold you forever
And the sparks will fly, they will never fade
'Cause every day gets better and betterAnd I won't leave you
Always be true
One plus one, two for life
Over and over againSo, don't ever think I need more
I've got the one to live for
No one else will do, yeah, I'm telling you
Just put your heart in my hands
I promise it won't get broken
We'll never forget this moment
Yeah, we'll stay brand-new 'cause I'll love you
Over and over again
Over and over again
My Imagine (Short Story)
FanfictionCerita ini hanyalah fiktif belaka, jadi jangan dimasukkan ke hati ya. Enjoy!