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One Week Later

"Another plane.." I groan, sinking down into my seat, only hoping that I can manage to stay calm throughout this flight. Or at least sleep the whole time, but I don't think that will happen this time.

"You survived the last plane ride." Niall says, resting a hand on my back as I lurch forward, staring at my shoes.

"Yeah, because I slept." I say. "This plane ride is going to be so long.."

"What if there's turbulence and the plane loses control or what if somebody pulls the doors hatch, what if-"

"-Everything goes completely fine?" Niall says and I laugh, hysterical. "Besides, do you know how hard it is to get one of those doors open in the middle of a flight? It's nearly impossible!"

I sit up, facing him as the captain starts to announce our coordinates and such. Nine freaking hours in this cramped plane!  Nine!

That's like the whole day. And that's not even to mention that we have to fly all the way from London back up to New York. That's like twelve hours and Niall said that it's a night time flight. So I feel a bit of ease, knowing that I'll be able to sleep easier since it's my regular time to pass out. 11pm to 11am. Ugh.

This flight is from 9am to 5pm. My whole day. Ugh. I just want off.

The plane starts to move and I reach over, frantically grabbing my seatbelt and pulling it across me, buckling it.

"Love, calm down.." Niall chuckles. I look over to him and he just looks cool, calm, and collected. Of, course he is! He's done this hundreds of times before! And if this is how many times I am riding a plane within a month, I don't want to know what the next coming years will bring..

"Calm down?" I freak, narrowing my eyes at him. "How can you say that?"

He smirks at me and I giggle, feeling myself go at ease a bit. At least I'm not as nauseous as I was last flight. Well.. At least I wasn't sick like the last flight.

"I wanna live with you, even when we're ghosts. Cus you were always there for me when I needed you the most.." Niall says in a song voice and I furrow my eyebrows at him. Where'd he get those lyrics from?

"Are those lyrics from the song in the car a couple of weeks ago?" I ask and he nods, pulling out his earbuds from his bag, along with his splitter. Then another set of earbuds, handing it to me.

"I love the song.." He says, unwrapping his tangled mess. "Maybe it can be our wedding song?"

I giggle at his words, trying to push past the thought that we are in the air and I was freaking out just ten minutes ago..

I plug my head Jack into the splitter, plugging it into Niall's​ phone before he puts his set of earbuds in. I look over his shoulder as he goes through his songs, going to the same song by James Arthur.

I plug both earbuds in my ears, and so does Niall, as I lean against his shoulder, letting the words sway me.

When I wake up, Niall has a Sprite pointed towards me and though I'm still groggy, I gladly take it. I take a few sips and set it in the cupholder in front of me, leaning my head back on Niall's shoulder.

"How much more time do we have until we land?" I ask Niall as I close my eyes, afraid to even open them to see the sky outside.

"You've only been sleeping for thirty minutes, love." Niall says and I look up to him, furrowing my eyebrows.

"What?" I ask. "It feels like I've been asleep for hours!"

He gives me a small smile, throwing his hand back to wrap around my shoulders.

"Nope." He sighs. "We've still got like eight and a half hours to go!"

I groan, grabbing the Sprite again and taking a sip.

"Did you get anything to eat?" I ask, moving the bottle away from my lips to speak.

"They're serving breakfast." He says. "It's pancakes, would you like some?"

"No." I mumble. Disney made me sick of the food because every morning, we'd order pancakes and we'd eat it until our belly's were decently full. I don't think I'll be able to look at a pancake the same way ever again..

"You sure?" Niall asks, looking down to catch my drooping eyes. Thank God I'm still tired!

I nod. "Yeah, I'm a bit sick of pancakes."

He chuckles, but then there's silence, allowing me to fall back asleep.

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