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"The whole world is going crazy to just grasp some information on the Niall Horan and Parker Ross situation! It's been two days and no information has been realeased. Did they pass away?"

"Why doesn't anybody tell the world that we haven't died?" I ask, turning my head to look at Liam.

He shrugs. "They'll know eventually. Our main priority is you guys, not the paparazzi."

"But I feel fine.." I say, confused as to why they haven't let us go yet. Well, at least Niall is fine. He's been up and out of his room to see me every hour of the day.

I'm not allowed out of the bed yet. I'm bedridden and I don't even know why. I feel like I can walk, so why can't I?

"The doctor said your nerves have received tons of damage." Louis explains. "And that you may think you need to stand, but in reality, you'll just be paralyzed."

"So I'm paralyzed?" I ask, my jaw dropping at the comment.

"No!" Liam cuts in. "He just says you need to get some physical therapy in before you leave the hospital. I actually think that Niall is getting discharged today."

I frown. We were together in the water for the same amount of time, how is he getting discharged before me? I don't even know how he can get up and walk around when I apparently cannot.


"Just be careful, Parker!" Niall groans as I lean into him for support as I walk down the hall.

"At least I'm walking." I grin, excited as I glance up to Niall.

He smiles back down at me and continues to keep a strong hold on my waist, keeping me from falling to the ground. I've been in the hospital for nearly a week and with some help, I can finally walk! Niall has been discharged so I'm pretty much stuck here by myself.

But Niall comes to see me more than expected and I'm happy that I have some company.

After Niall got out, he tweeted, saying that we were both fine and that I was still in the hospital and pretty much had to wait for the feeling to come back into my legs. Since our phones got destroyed with the plane, Niall went and bought us both new phones.

I was mad at him at first, but gave in and got excited over the new phone that I had in my grasp. When I logged into my social media, I saw that there were tons of hashtags for me and Niall, saying to get better. Everybody was tweeting me, saying how they hoped that I would be able to walk again.

I just feel like it was a miracle for surviving the freezing cold weather like Niall and I did. I remember when we were first allowed to see each other, we both just gasped.

We looked so horrible and drained, but we were alive. And that was surprising.

Niall said that when I fell asleep in his arms in the water, I didn't wake up. He said that he tried so hard to get me to open my eyes, but I didn't. So he spent the night in the middle of nowhere, feeling alone and thinking that I had died.

When we were rescued, they said that I was still alive, but barely. And that my pulse was so low that I could slip into a coma at any second. Then my heartbeat had just stopped.

So they had to do CPR and shit, and bam. I'm back from the dead.

I don't remember being awake for that, though. I only remember falling asleep in the water then waking up and being restrained in a hospital bed.

Niall said that when they said I was alive, he bawled his eyes out. I felt like it was kind of my fault for that, but it's not like I could have jumped out of bed and ran down the hall to him, although I would have loved to do that!

"Parker!" I'm interrupted by my name being called from down the hall and jerk my head up to see Abby running towards me.

My family visited me yesterday and they pretty much stayed the entire day, but everybody had to work in the morning, so they called it a night at around 9pm.

Abby throws her arms around me when she reaches me and I lean on the railing to the side to keep my balance. Niall let's go of me once he sees that I'm hanging onto the wall, making sure I have a stable support.

"Be careful, she can barely walk, Abby." Niall chuckles, staring her down like she just shot someone.

Abby pulls back, tears in her eyes as she stares at me. "Thank God you're okay! I don't know what I would have done without my best friend!"

I smile at her. "How'd you even get here?" I ask, surprised.

"Well, I heard about your story on the news, so I immediately started packing to drive down here." She chuckles. "There's no way I'm riding a plane again after what happened to you!"

I give her a small smile and turn my head to Niall. "Can you help me back to my room so we can talk?"

He nods, wrapping his arms around me as I slowly walk the corridor.

"When do they say you'll be out?" Abby asks, walking along my right side, as Niall is on the left.

"I don't think for another week." I sigh. "But at least I'll be walking before they get me out of here!"

She gives me a smile before we continue to walk.

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