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"So, Niall." The interviewer on the TV asks all the four boys. "Now that you guys are back on tour, do you think you'll find another special someone?"

"No." Niall says. "I'm not interested in looking for another girl right now.."

The guy nods. "Understandable. Have you heard anything from Parker Ross?"

He shakes his head. "No. I haven't seen her since the day after New Year's."

It's almost June. God, has it really been that long? He said we only needed to take a break for a couple of weeks, but it's been months!

I've been trying so hard to get over him.. But I can't.


"I'll have a white chocolate latte." The brown headed guy says, standing across from me at the counter.

"Okay." I say. "Will that be all?"

He nods and I type it into the register before having him pay. Then I go to make his drink. Ten minutes later, it's break time. I clock out and order a coffee to keep me awake. I go and take a seat at one of the tables by myself.

"Mind if I sit?" A voice asks and I look up to see the guy from earlier. The one that ordered the White Chocolate Latte. Just like Niall had ordered when we were together.

"Sure." I say, watching the guy sit down in front of me. I go back to looking at my phone, looking through Instagram.

"My name's Oliver." The guy says and I look up to him.

"Parker." I say, shutting my phone off since this guy is going to strike up a conversation.

"That's a cool name." He says, sipping on his drink.

I nod, looking back down to the table. It just feels wrong to talk to other guys. Even though Niall and I still aren't techniqually together, I just feel like I am betraying him again.

"So do you live here?" He asks.

"Yeah." I say. I really don't want to talk to this guy right now. And I hope that he just goes away, saying that he's annoyed by my small talk.

"I just moved here from Maine." He says. "I work as an electrician."

"Cool." I say.

"Are you okay?" He asks and I actually look at him, rather than the wall past him.

I nod. "Yeah, I just.. I'm not in a talking mood." I don't want to be rude. "I'm tired."

He nods. "Understandable. Look, here's my number. When you are feeling better, give me a call, okay?"

I nod, watching him write on a small piece of paper before sliding it across the table. I wait til he walks out of the restaurant before grabbing the piece of paper and crumbling it up.

I'm not interested.

My shift quickly goes by and before I know it, I'm headed back to Abby and I's apartment. When I walk in through the door, I'm greeted by two dogs running up to me, demanding to be pet.

I can't help but laugh as I crouch down to pet the both of them. When I walk further into the apartment, I notice Abby laying on the couch, her eyes staring at the TV.

"Hey." She says, averting her gaze to me as I throw my keys in the key holder by the door.

"Hey." I reply back, walking past her and into my room to change into something else. I get changed into Capri's and a tank top along with some sneakers. I've practically had to buy brand new clothes because I've gone a size down.

I exit the room and go to the living room again.

"Where are you going?" Abby asks, watching me walk across the room.

"I'm going for a jog." I respond. "Wanna come?"

She thinks about it for a second before nodding, going to her bedroom to change into something more appropriate.

She comes out in shorts and a sports bra, her hair tied up at the top of her head. I smile and walk out of the room and towards the door.

We jog all the way to my old apartment, which is a good distance and stop for a quick break.

"How was work?" She asks in between gasps.

"This guy gave me his number." I say, it being the first thing I remember.

She turns to me, her face lighting up. "Really?"

"Yeah, but I crumbled it up. I'm not interested in a guy at the moment." I say.

"Do you really think he'll come back, Parker?" She sighs. "It's been months and he hasn't even texted you!"

"I know, but I just need time to get over him." I say.

She nods. "Okay. Are you ready to go again?" I nod and we start to run again.

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