Profiling me Part 1(Hotch)

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It's no secret I flaunt my body, even at work, even though it is inappropriate. Now don't get me wrong, I don't flaunt it for anyone specific, but there's one person I'm trying to get to look at me. Hotch. He's never looked at me in any way other than professional. Even Reid has been distracted by me. I sat down at my desk and started on my paperwork. I wore a low cut and tight shirt and black leggings. Derek came in and whistled at me. I smiled and winked at him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Hotch's door open. I looked toward his office to see Hotch going to his desk. My eye's lingered on him through the window. Morgans eyes followed my gaze. "Have I finally figured out who you're trying to impress?" I snapped my gaze back to him and leaned back in my chair. I hummed.

"Yeah, maybe," I smirked. He smiled.

"Goin' for the boss man" He laughed. I nodded.

"I've gotten the attention of every man in the building except for him," I said. "It makes me feel very..."I paused searching for the word.

"Ungratified?" Reid asked as he sat down at his desk.

"Yes, that's the word. Thanks, Spence. I mean like, don't be so serious for once." Derek coughed so I stopped talking and turned around. Hotch.

"Smith, I need to speak with you." He said. I followed him to his office. I looked at Derek and he winked at me. He told me to have a seat and he shut the door and closed the blinds. He sat at his desk across from me. "It has been brought to my attention that your choice of attire in the workplace has been inappropriate and distracting." He said, not looking away from my face. "Now I'm supposed to tell you that you need to change, so yes you need to do that but personally, I just want to know why you're doing it. You've only been doing it for the past few weeks. So something happened a few weeks ago to change your behavior-" I cut him off.

"Are you profiling me?" I laughed and he nodded. "Well, please continue let's see what you think you know about me." I sassed and crossed my arms.

"I'm assuming the thing that happened was a relationship break up because you flaunt your body as if to say 'I'm single now, look at me.' Where as you would always cover up your body and wear lose fitting clothing. You're doing it for attention but you have the attention of basically every person in the office yet you're still not pleased with yourself. So the thing I haven't figured out for sure is who's attention you're trying to get." He said. I smirked and nodded.

"Very impressive. Any ideas of who?" I asked

"Well, I'm assuming it's someone on our team. You blow off Reid and Rossi's comments and laugh at Morgan's. So it's not Reid or Rossi, I thought it could be Morgan but you two have more of a brother-sister relationship and you both feel it. So unless it's JJ or Garcia, which I highly doubt because although you act like you'd swing that way, if you were presented with the opportunity to act on it, you wouldn't. So, it must be me. Tell me, Hannah. Is my profile accurate or am I wrong." I was silent.

He smirked. "That's another thing. You act like you're confident in yourself and think you're all that because you don't want people to see you and think you're weak but in reality, when confronted, you're no longer confident. If you got the attention you wanted you would curl yourself back up into your little shell. You're not as confident in your body as you want others to think. You're probably actually closer to hating your body than loving it. Am I wrong?" I shook my head.

"No, you're not wrong. In fact, you're perfectly accurate. I have a change of clothes in my bag I will change." I stand up to leave.

"Sit, Hannah we're not done yet." He moved over and sat next to me. I sighed.

"What else is there to say honestly? You've got me figured out completely. You figured out I've been wanting your attention and that I actually really fucking hate my body-" He cut me off.

"You shouldn't. You're beautiful." I rose an eyebrow. "Yes, I look. Just not when you expect me to so you don't catch me. I try to remain emotionless at work and not let anyone in but you make that hard." He paused. "And that's not the only thing you make hard." He smirked when my eyes went wide. "I can't look at you without wanting to touch, just to put my hands on you." He placed his hand on my thigh. He stood up and rubbed the back of his neck. I stood too, starting to move away. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him.

"S-Sir" I stuttered when he pulled me against him and kissed my neck. He grabbed my waist. "You're the only person on the team who still calls me sir even when I tell you not to. Don't call me sir unless you want to deal with what it causes." He husked in my ear and pulled my hips to his. A knock on the door made him jump back from me. He opened the door.

"We have a case. Round table in 10." JJ said before leaving to tell the rest of the team. He closed the door and turned back to me.

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, Hannah. You don't need to change today but more modest clothing needs to be worn to work in the future." I decided to do something bold even though my voice was shaky when I did.

"Yes, sir," I smirked. His eyes went dark with lust and with that, I left the room and went back to my desk. Derek rose an eyebrow at me and I smiled at him.

"I take it you got the attention you wanted?" He asked.

"Oh yeah." I grinned

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