How WE begun (pt.2)

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Te whole practice lasted for ever. Our coach insisted on repeating the steps again and again. The brake did nothing for us. By the end of the practise all of us were soaked in sweat. Me most of all. That was because I was trying my darn darnest best to impress V. But I knew Jimin had done that a long time ago. No matter. Because Tae would take ME out for KFC, not him, which if you think about it makes no sense. I am just some random kid with no particular qualities, infact I think me myself am a disadvantage alone. NO JUNGKOOK DON'T! This isn't the time for self-doupts! Go out there and enjoy the date!
Neither me nor Tae had a car, so we had to take a good 15 minute walk to the centre of Seul, the place with the best Fried Chicken.
We sat down at a corner table at the back of the restorant. It was warm and kind of cozy, and we loved it regardless of the fact that it was summer. Right infront of our table there was a big, open window that gave us the view of the wanderful, Korean sunset. It was perfect.
We sat there for the next hour talking about our lives. I told him about my dreams of becoming an entertainer, and he told me about his deep thoghts and theories. He wasn't just an amazing, good looking person, he was a thoughtfull, smart, amazing, good looking person.
V: So...there is something I haven't told anyone. You are the first to know it. I am bi.
He said it so simply and plainly, I had to admire him. I could never tell this to him like that. Nontheless I was happy! I really was! Now I was one step closer to conquering him.
JK: That's amazing!
V: aren't completely creeped out?
JK: Why should I be? I now have someone that gets me!
V: Thank God! Wait...You are also bi?
JK: Well...a little.
Then he laughed. He is great. I laughed too. I really was happy as can be!
V: It's getting late, your parents are going to be worried. We should get you home.
JK: I am not a baby, you know?
V: Well...we can debate about that.
I don't know what he ment by that, but I liked it.
JK: I live close to here so...see you tommorow.
V: Were do you think you are going?  He asked me by pulling my shirt. I slipped and almost fell. But his hand grabbed my hand before I fall. We were so close. Our lips were so close. His breath was heavy and warm on my skin. We imidiately pushed each other away in embarassement. But I wish we hadn't.
V: Hmhm...I...ment to say that...babies like you are not allowed to walk alone at night without supervision.
How did he recover his confidence and humor so fast? I tried to follow along, but...
JK: That's never walk alone.
V: Show me the way then.
He was looking right into my eyes. I didn't want to move an inch. I had to.

Yes, I know I am leaving a lot of cliffhangers, but I need more ideas. At least there was SOME action in this chapter.
Hope you enjoyed it!

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