• Stop fighting •

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Maybe I'm finally over him. It's not that I have forgotten him or that I don't care about him anymore. But I've accepted that things will never be like they've been before.

I tried for months to get back to what felt like a soulmate friendship. And now I realized that'll never happen. I can try as hard as possible but we will only manage to be friends again. Not best friends. Not soulmates. Just friends. And I'm not sure if that's worth fighting for with all my heart.
So, I'll let him go. That doesn't mean I don't like him or that I don't care for him anymore. If he comes back and needs me I'll be there. If he calls in the middle of the night I'll pick up. If he realizes he wants me back in his life I'll still be there. But I'll stop fighting because I'm using more energy than my body has.

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