Holding her life precious,
From the man of vicious;
Through the woods she ran,
As fast as she can;
Up in the sky the moon shone,
Just as her face down;
Ran and ran she ran and ran,
Cheated by her beloved man;
Valleys she passed and also the lakes,
Not knowing what it takes;
She clenched her fist and gripped her teeth,
She ran and ran holding her breath;
About the cruel world she thought,
And also how hard she fought;
How well were once these lands!!
But everything has slipped from the hands;
PuisiUnheard, unnoticed, neglected... When you have no one to speak to... when your silence speak more than your words... then the pool of feelings in you start to stir... the poet in you wakes up and talks to void. Welcome to heartfelt, a collection of...