Half Blind

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I cannot see,
The world is blind, it hides from me

But in all honesty, the world I see
Is truly there, it's just unclear to me

But there are times when I see clear,
And those are the times when I shed tears

    For when I am truly at my worst,
    Tears flow out like fireworks

    But even though it seems blurry, I see just fine,
    For those are the times when I am truly not blind

❤️Author's Note❤️- So, since I've been publishing two poems a day pretty consistently, this is just gonna be my new thing. Two poems a day.
I hope you all enjoy them, and I hope this change of updates makes you happy. I've been having a lot of fun writing Black Abyss, and the fact that you've all supported me has inspired me to keep writing. I mean, Black Abyss is in the top 1000 for poetry, now! I can hardly believe it! 😱😊 So, yeah, I'm going to keep writing this, and I hope you all enjoy what I update. Thank you all so much. ❤️✌️

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