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There had been a small lump, or at least, what looked like a lump from the position I was in. The lump blended in with the weird heat waves that came from something hot, or the ground in the summer time when it's scorching hot.

I can't believe I remembered something but I couldn't be excited about that now. I had to move and get up.

I tilted my head back to my original, comfortable position. I tried to move my legs. No, I should start off small. 'But what about "go big or go home?"' my mind asked. I had no idea what 'go big or go home' is but it sounds incredibly dumb, for my situation.

So since I need to start off small, I'll start with my fingers. I tried lifting one finger at a time. First, my left hand, thumb first, pinkie last. Every time I managed to release one finger, it made a cracking sound. Once I got my fingers moving, I started to try and move my arm a little. After hearing a giant CRACK! Indicating it was free, I paused, in case anything heard me.

I waited for what I thought was a minute before doing the same to my right arm, starting with my fingers and slowly moving up to the rest of my arm.

Once both my arms were free I started moving then in tiny circles.

They cracked a little and I winced because it kinda hurt me. Once the small circles were easy and painless, I started making bigger and bigger circles. Once I made the circles as big as I could while laying down I raised my arms to my head and started scratching.

Ooohhh yeeaaahhh..... I needed to scratch my head so badly and it feels. so. good. I probably scratched myself for a good minute or so until I got back to trying to free myself from my cocoon thing.

I put my hands down on the ground so I could push myself up. The ground was smooth and clean, but it wasn't slippery, that's for sure. I slowly started pushing myself up, causing my back to start screaming at me to stop the pain I was causing it. I took a minor break, making sure I wouldn't break my back or cause a loud crack that would indicate to whatever caused that lump to scream out for help.

After my minor break, I continued in my quest to free my body. I was barely past halfway to sitting up straight and everything in my body screamed at me to stop. I didn't listen though.

I was almost fully sitting up straight. Just a little bit more of this pain and I would be sitting!

Finally, I was sitting up straight. I looked at my legs for awhile, taking a break. They were covered in a light coat of either soot or a lot of dust. 'I wonder if the rest of my body looks like that?' I questioned in my head. I brought my right arm up in front of my face to look at.


Do y'all think the rest of this characters body is covered in the soot/dust? To find out, keep on reading whenever I decide to update!!

Also, do y'all enjoy the two page thing going on right here?


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