Lightsaber drawings

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I know, I know, the shading is terrible

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I know, I know, the shading is terrible. But this is my lightsaber. Since I'm a consuler, it was supposed to be green, but I grabbed a teal sharpie instead(by accident), so that happened. It's a multi-tendril, curved-hilt lightwhip, and has indents in its sides to make it easier to grip.

Okay, so shanSWfan told me what her lightsaber would look like. She's a Jedi sentinel, but purple light sabers aren't attached to a particular class. Her's is a standard lightsaber, with a classic hilt.

Yes, the shading is terrible on this one, too

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Yes, the shading is terrible on this one, too. *shrug*

Update: she asked me to do vine designs along the hilts, and they turned out as swirls with weird lines and dots, but they actually turned out pretty cool:

     Update: she asked me to do vine designs along the hilts, and they turned out as swirls with weird lines and dots, but they actually turned out pretty cool:

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Two of my friends, Ella(XxAphmau_Pdh_AlphaxX ) and Savannah(who doesn't have wattpad) I also drew sabers for(I know I'm amazing at grammar).

Two of my friends, Ella(XxAphmau_Pdh_AlphaxX ) and Savannah(who doesn't have wattpad) I also drew sabers for(I know I'm amazing at grammar)

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Ella is a guardian, but as I said before, purple light sabers aren't attached to any class in particular. (If you look on her wattpad profile, it's pretty obvious her favorite color is purple) Her lightsaber is a tonfa-style saber, which has a curved hilt.

Savanah is also a guardian, but she asked for a black lightsaber. I didn't really want to draw a darksaber(think: Pre Visla), so I came up with a backstory as to why her lightsaber's crystal is black. It was a normal blue one, but it was infused with fibers to make it a longer, more powerful blade(making it cut through things quicker, and possibly able to penetrate some of the less-dense lightsaber-resistant materials, which also made the kyber crystal black.

The saber's black energy blade casts out shadows when activated, rather than lighting up the immediate area. Her lightsaber is an electrum-style saber, with a classic hilt. The hilt is inland with green crystals mined on the planet Chrystophysis.

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