The Skywalkers

205 12 90

No- this is not Anakin, Padmé, Luke, and Leia. This is my Star Wars family. I am married to Anakin and have two children. Ahsoka Skywalker, who I had before I met Anakin, and Riyo Skywalker, who is adopted.

Here's the rough sketch version- I know Anakin looks horrible, but I'm bad at drawing humans so please bear with me XD

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Here's the rough sketch version- I know Anakin looks horrible, but I'm bad at drawing humans so please bear with me XD

Here's the final version! I messed up coloring Anakin's hair and he literally looks like a 70's rock star, but whatever

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Here's the final version! I messed up coloring Anakin's hair and he literally looks like a 70's rock star, but whatever. XD
"It looks like Ahsoka wants to kill someone and is hiding it behind Riyo" -shanSWfan

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