Pronounced ey-eek-oh vahn-tye This was just proportions practice and an excuse to use my gel pens because I LOVE using my gel pens-
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Mmkay, now on the the real reason I made this chapter!
First of all, and most importantly, I am currently in the planning stage of tOoA where I write a brief description of the events that occur in every single chapter. Once I'm done with that, I'll release the prologue, which has already been written. It'll have a temporary cover until I can finish the new one(I need watercolors to finish it and I left them at my mom's). I'll try to update once a week or once every two weeks 😁
And now, the moment you've all been waiting for!
First of all this, which isn't really a meme, but I wrote this into notes to be humorous and then changed chapter 11 later-
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This is the shit that keeps me up at night. Also I got it wrong, trespass is season one episode FIFTEEN, not episode fourteen.
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