So, I recently decided to re-watch Yu-Gi-Oh! because I was obsessed with it as a little kid in 2nd-4th grade and remember it being really good. Even though its target audience is kids I'm not disappointed.
I decided to draw a "mystical elf," which is a card Yugi owns.
Actually so proud of this^^
Anddddd then, I decided to draw shanSWfan as a Jedi Master(I actually have no idea what she looks like besides her long hair which I believe is brown and her blue eyes)
It's not the best quality but I'm pretty proud of it despite that 👌
And I made her lightsaber double-bladed(and her grip reverse-grip) because it looked cooler in my opinion
~*~Star Wars FanArt~*~
RandomPretty much all the art in here sucks cause it's really old