I'll be late!

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I get up. I'm sort of drowsy, but it's 8:00. At 10, I have an interview. Oh god! I overslept!

 Now I'll be late, there's no time to do anything. I won't be able to do my makeup, but then I won't look professional enough! Maybe a little eyeliner. And mascara..

This... this might work? 

I quickly turn on the shower, super hot, peel off my clothes, then get in. I wash my hair. Luckily, I thought ahead and shaved last night.


NO No no! That was an unrequired 15 minutes wasted. I put on my clothes for the interview. Just casual dress. What if that resembled that I'm too casual? 

I change into a more professional dress, but what if that's too serious?

I changed back into the first one. My friend got a job wearing jeans, so this should be okay, right?

I rush to put my eye makeup on. It takes 15 minutes. 8:53... crap.

I sit patiently in my car for about a half hour going over the questions in my head. 

Why do you want this job? Because I think I can help.

What makes you think you're qualified? I do this kind of work all the time.

Do you have any questions for me? Yes, do you enjoy your work?

I'm a half hour early. Why isn't anyone here? Why am I too early? 

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