Chapter 2

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 Its February now and we are out buying baby stuff. The kids are in nursery and the last time we came with them they wanted everything so we decided to go ourselves but now its Vics that wants everything, whether its for a baby or not.

 "Vics sweetie thats for a man!" i said and she nodded "i know that its just cute!" she said and we walked on and i shook my head, i love her but she can be strange. "look how cute this is!" she said holding up some jammies that were orange and had a design of a black board saying 'i just done nine months on the inside' and then the tally marked months.

I smiled "you want it?" i asked and she put it in the trolley. The shop went on like that with us buying clothes and a car seat. We had the cot and more clothes. The house had three rooms and an office which you could tell was a room, Vics and i never used it as an office so it is being converted to a room for the baby.

We got home and my mum was picking the kids up today so we had some free time. I put the stuff in the room while Vics sat down. I was decorating it and not telling Vics the design and she doesnt like being not told anything so it was bugging her.

I went back down and sat beside her on the couch "i love you sweetie!" i said and she burried her head in my neck "i know and i love you!" she said and i smiled and kissed the top of her head. We sat watching a movie until my mum droped the kids of.

You dont releasie how much you miss them until there gone "mummy!" Cacen said and i picked him him up and gave him a hug while Emma ran into the living room and hugged Vics who just woke up.

"thanks mum!" i said and she smiled "no bother sweetie, how was the shop?" she asked and i smiled 2more clothes and a seat!" i said and she nodded "okay i best be off, bye kiddies!" she shouted and she got mumbles back and she laughed and walked away.

"come on!" i said and me and Cacen walked into the living room. We sat beside Vics and Emma who were watching the rest of the movie "starting without us?" i asked and Emma smiled "its funny!" she said and i smiled "i know!" i said and i put my arm around Vics and Cacen and Emma sat on our knees.

We were at dinner and i had made us some soup as it was kinda my thing. "when is baby comming now?" Emma asked and i smiled "soon dont worry!" i said and she smiled "do we know if its a boy?" Cacen asked and Vics shook her head "no sweetie, next month!" she said and he nodded "its a boy!" he said very confident and took some bread and i smiled,

"eat up!" i said and they both nodded, they were so innocent.We had bought some cheesecake for a treat after dinner and they enjoyed that. After dinner we let them watch a short cartoon before bed and i tucked them into bed and they both want me to read them a story which i did.

I then went back downstairs to a sleeping Vicsa. I switched of the TV and lightly woke her up "lets go to bed!" i said and she smiled lightly but still sleepy. We walked upstairs and she crashed on the bed and fell asleep. I tucked her in and crawled in beside her and red my book for a short while before turning in myself.

I love my two mums (sequel to 'Falling for you!)Where stories live. Discover now