Chapter 3

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We were one month away and we were all excited, the kids the most as they were having debats on if its a boy or girl.We think we have everything we need. I have finished the room for three weeks now and Vics is annoyed she cant see it as im waiting for the baby to be born.We still dont know if its a boy or girl, as the kids are still debating i think you guessed that.

I had stayed the night at the barracks as our commander was here this month and we had to do alot of marching. I may e a pilot but were treated as soldiers, its annoying but i love it.

I parked the car and Vics was at the door leaning against the door frame saying goodbye to Mark and Court. I got out the car ion full unifrom exept my jacket which was over my arm. I saw Vics bite on her lip and i smiled and went and kissed her "better?" i asked and she shook her head and i smiled "it will do!" she said and i shook my head but smiled,

"hey you two?" i  said to Mark and Court who laughed lightly "hey Jen!" Court said and i smiled "how are you two?" i asked and they smiled "were good, hows the prep going for little one?" Mark asked and i smiled "we are a montyh early i think we have forgotten something but im sre we shall find that out!" i said and they laughed a bit,

"oh your mum droped the keys of!" Vics said and i nodde.d My mum and Michael went to Dublin for a week as another honeymoon. Mark and Court left and me and Vics went back inside, "how long do we have until certin monkeys have to be picked up!" i asked hugging her from behind,

She showed me her watch and i kissed her neck "i'll leave then shall i?" i asked and she laughed a bit "yes leave me alone!" she said and i laughed a bit "yes ma'am!" i said with a two finger salut and she smiled.

I kissed her lightly and got back in the car and headed for the local school. It was just down the road, i could have walked but i took the car instead, how lazy i am. I parked the car and rather than wait there until they came out i waited in the playground.

Today was there last day before the summer as it was June. Cacen was going into Primary one after the summer and Emma still had another year of nursery. It only seems like yesterday i was feeding him his bottle at three in the morning sleep deprived.

I was in my RAF uniform except the big jacket. If you had that thing on and the sun was blazing you had a puddle under you it was really warm so i just had my light blue shirt on and navy blue trousers on and black boots.

I looked around at the back of parents heads. Some i recognised from school days but not enough to talk to. I saw one that caught my eye and i wasnt sure why they were here and the person beside them made me even more confused.

She was just afew yeards away from me so i tapped her on the shoulder and raised an eyebrow "hey.." i trailed of and she laughed a bit and gave me ahug "i missed you so much!" Rach said and squeezed me "help!" i said and she laughed and let me go "not being to rude but why are you here?" i asked and she laughed,

"my kid goes to this school!" she said and i just looked at her "okay have i been in a coma!" i said and Adsam laughed and i just looked between the two of them and pointed between them "you two married?" i asked and they both laughed "we have a kid and just together!" Rach said proudly, she had a hudge crush on him. I nodded.

"okay and why are you here i thought you were a director?" i asked and she nodded "wel Adam works in game production and i now direct the cameras. Its rather technical but its similar and i love it!" she said and i nodded,

"so your in the RAF then!" she said pointing to my outfit and i nodded "what was you first guess!" i said and they both laughed a bit "what do you do?" Adam asked "pilot!" Rach said and i nodded "yup, for a year now!" i said and he nodded,

I love my two mums (sequel to 'Falling for you!)Where stories live. Discover now