Chapter 2

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We know if the baby is gonna be a boy or a girl today!

Sorry im excited, Vics was questioning me driving but i calmed down for the drive but as soon as i got out i was hyper with excitement. So were the kids this morning. They wanted to come and see if they were having a baby brother or sister but they had to go to nursery which they were also excited about.

I was happy that the oppoinment was on my week of so i got to be there this time,yay! mor things to be excited about.

We waited for our name to be called and i was jumping in my seat "i hope its a girl but i also want it to be a boy, maybe theres a twin thats hidding and we have a boy and a girl how awesome would that be!" i said and Vics just looked at me and shook her head,

"Mcarthur-Jones?" was called and we nodded and we followed the nurse to the doctors room. We shook her hand and Vics was told to lay on the bed. I sat beside her trying to contain my excitment and Vics just shook her head and i nodded and she held onto my hand.

The cold jel was rubbed on her stomach and a blurry screen came n the monitor until a white area came across it which formed the outline of a baby and i smiled proudly, that was our kid our little baby. Vics squeezed my hand and i smiled and looked at her proudly as she looked at the screen with pride.

"well i hope you like surprises because im not sure what your having, the cord is covering it, we wont know till labour!" the doctor said and i sighed and Vics smiled lightly "everything seems okay, healthy baby!" she said switching of the scanner,

"no clue?" i asked and she laughed a bit "sorry, no clue!" she said and i sighed "well your a poo!" i said and she laughed and Vics playfully hit my stomach "play nice!" she said and i rolled my eyes and helped her of the bed.

"thanks all the same!" i said and she laughed a bit "be patient!" she said and i nodded "thanks!" i said and we shook her hand again and we left. "i have an idea for the nursery!" i said as we got in the car and Vics nodded,

"gonna tell me!" she said and i shook my head "not a chance!" i said and she sighed "fine but your the poo!" she said and i nodded "but im your poo!" i said and she sighed "aww crap!" she said and i laughed "yes darling you called!" i siad and she playfully hit my arm and i laughed.

We stoped on the way home for more things for the baby and i got paint for the room but didnt tell Vics the colour and she was confused and asking questions the whole way home. We got home and Vics went for a nap and i got started on the room.

I first penciled it all in for a guide and covered the furnatuire in old sheets and the carpet i was near working on and started. My idea for you pleasure was a simple base yellow colour and with green i was going to paint cartoon jungle animals, two colours green and yellow but i like it and i hope Vics does to.

I got sme done and i saw Vics was still sleeping. I put a note incase she woke up that i was going to pick the kids up. I didnt have time to change out of my paint clothes so i went as i was but it could have been worse.

I waited by the car until i saw kids comming out and i went into the playground. They were quick on comming out and ran up to me "mummy!" they both screamed as they ran. I knelt down and gave them a hug and they laughed at my clothes,

"your all yellow!" Emma said and i nodded "ive been paiting!" i said and she laughed "is it a girl?" Emma asked and i shrugged "we dont know sweetie, we just have to wait longer!" i said and Cacen frowned " i want a boy!" he said and i laughed a bit, i still had my wrong mind and that wasnt helpful to it at all.

"we shall see, come on!" i said and took both there hands and buckled them in to there seats and drove us home. When we got home Vics was still sleeping so i threw the note away "can we help?" Cacen asked and Emma nodded "okay but lets change you both into something that old!" i said and they nodded,

They both had some old jeans and a t shirt that was a bit to small and would be fine if they got paint over which i knew they would do. "okay so from here and here you paint yellow!" i said pointing to the large wall that was just yellow "all of it?" Cacen asked and i smiled "its okay sweetie, you just do what you can!" i said and he smiled and nodded "okay mummy!" Emma said and i smiled.

They were pretty good, to be honest better than i thought. They worked hard but obviously there three and four and they were covered in paint afterwards. "come on, bath time for you two!" i said and they sighed "i dont want a bath!" Cacen said and i laughed a bit "so you want to be covered in yellow paint?" i asked and he nodded,

"id be a minion!" he said and i smiled "no now come on before mutti wakes up and sees you!" i said and they both laughed. I bathed Cacen first and then Emma and got them into some clothes and made our dinner. I woke Vics up just in time and she cae downstairs looking less tired,

"okay sweetie?" i asked and she nodded "still tired though!" she said with a yawn and i smiled and kissed her forehead and she gave me a side hug as i stirred the bolognese sauce, we were having spaghetti bolognese.

"go sit and i shall plate up!" i said and she laughed lightly and sat with the kids at the table. I plated up and gave them there food "thank you!" they kids chorused and i smield "your welcome!" i said and Vics smiled 2thanks sweetie!" she said and i smiled.

It wasnt bad if im honest, Vics is definetley a better cook and she normally cooks but as she is the one who is pregnant i have taken on the role. I remember when i was pregantnwith Emma her cooking was the only one i would eat as it tasted the best in my opinion.

"so what did you lot do while i slept?" Vics asked and Cacen answered "we had to be bathed and i didnt want a bath!" Cacen said with a frown and Vics looked at me "what did you do with our kids?" she asked and i heled my hands up in defence "we painted and they were covered in it!" i said and she looked at me "okay i believe you!" she said and i sighed and kissed her cheek "good cos we murdered someone!" i said and the kids laughed and Vics shook her head,

"dont they will go round saying that and we'll have people at our door!" she said and i laughed a bit "okay i wont!" i said and she nodded "so whats the colour?" she asked and Cacen was about to answer and i shook my head "its a surprise for mummy and baby!" i said and he smiled "its no colour!" he said and she laughed lightly,

"he wont hold for long!" she whispered and i nodded "yes he will, just watch!" i said and it was now on. I cleared the plates and Emma and Cacen wanted to paint more but i said no and they can help tomorrow as i wasnt painting more tonight.

They stayed up until seven and me and Vics put them to bed reading them a story before hand. Vics was tired still so she went for an early night and i pndered the thought of painting again as it was only half seven and i wasnt really tired so i went with the idea. I stopped at ten and was to tired to continue so i myself went to bed.

I love my two mums (sequel to 'Falling for you!)Where stories live. Discover now