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15 years later

 I was now a commercial pilot and had been for four years now and i loved it, traveling the wold almost. The kids were all sixteen to eighteen Cacen being the oldest. He loked after his younger sisters well and took on the big brother role with pride, He knows he was adopted but said to us even if his parents were out there he wouldnt have gone looking as he had a great up bringing, something i was pleased to hear.

I drove home and saw a car parked bloking our drive, great. It was a black car and a mediam size. There was two people in the car. Mandie and a boy and the boy was the driver. I parked my car infront and Mandie looked at me and i raised an eyebrow and she smiled shyly and i smiled back.

I didnt get out the car as i needed in the drive so i had to wait. They both talked a bit before Cacen came out of the house looking very buch and his arms crossed over his chest. The other boy seemed to get nervous by him and i couldnt help but smile.

Cacen opeded the door and didnt say anything. Mandie got out of the car and the boy drove away and i got in the drive and i was trying not to laugh. I got out my car and Cacen was looking at Mandie for answers "why were you with him?" Cacen asked and i walked over.

Mandie looked at me and i raised an eyebrow "who was he?" i asked and she smiled shyly and i raised a bigger euebrow "he is not my boyfriend!" she said and Cacen just raised an eyebrow "you seem very sure of that!" Cacen said and i smiled "w-well..wel i-i .. y-you k-know ....." she trailed of and i smirked,

"whats his name?" i asked and she took a deap breath and let it out "Coltrain!" she said and Cacen smirked and i hit his arm "is that a nickname?" i asked and she looked at me "no it is his name!" Cacen said and i nodded slowly "ahh, is he in any of your classes?" i asked and she nodded "my music class and english!" she said and i nodded,

"take it slow my dear and if he hurts you he has Cacen o deal with but take it slow!" i said sternly and she nodded and hugged me and Cacen just looked at me. mandie walked in the house with a smile on her face "you dont know the guy!" he aid and i nodded,

"it might end badly but she will know for the future everyone makes mistakes and she has to learn!" i said and he sighed and shook his hea d"your mad!" he said and i gave him a hug and he didnt respond "im to old for this!" he said and i laughed "call me in ten years you'll want a hug everyday!" i said and he laughe d"not likely mum!" he said and tapped my head as i let him go and i shook my head.

I walke din the house and smelt Vics' cooking and smiled. I took my captains jacket of and hung it on a coat peg and walked to the kitchen to see Vics being told about someone Emma met.

Emma is into woman and Cacen and Mandie are straight, we dont mind as long as they dont hurt them and make them happy we are happy.

"and she has the cutest eyes i could just melt!" she said and i walked over to Vics and slipped my arms around her waist from beind and kissed her neck "who's this?" i asked and Emma squeeled "the new girl, Candace!" she said with excitment and i laughed a bit,

"is it me or does she seem happy?" i asked Vics and she smiled "just a bit!" she said and i smiled and lightly kissed her "whats for dinner?" i said in a funny voice and she laughed slightly "macaroni!" she said and i smiled,

Emma was now telling us all, for the third time about Candace at the dinner table.They seemd to have alot in common and she was rather happy about it and i laughed lightly as she nted she was into the same band as her and that it was more important that fact than if she was into woman or not.

We all sat in the living room when Cacen came down with his violin "mum could you help me, i was wondering if you could play the viola bit?" he asked and i nodded. Both Emma dn Cacen played the violin but Mandie had no tune to her and she liked to listen to classical more and read books all day, Vics blames me for this.

I got my viola which was in our room and went downstairs with it, he wanted to play to us all. I looked at the music and nodded, it was a Motzart piece "do you know it or.." he trailed of and i nodded "yeh so you take the music!" i said and he smiled,

"thanks!" he said. I tuned my viola and nodded to him when he was ready. There was a small bit of violin before i came in and then we played together and i smiled, he was actuallt pretty good.

We finished and they all clapped and Cacen smiled and i tapped his shoulder "you actually good!" i said in fake disbelief and he shook his head "shut up!" he said and i faked gasped "i am your mother!" i said and held my hand to my heart for effects and he laughed "im sorry!" he said and i smiled "you are forgiven!" i said and he laughed,

"cake what are you doing in lessons cos that was our orchestra piece?" Emma asked Cacen whos nickname was Cake. He flipped through his folder with a smile "a thousand years. When my teacher knew i was your son she wanted to see if i could play it as good as you!" he said and i smiled,

"and canb you?" i asked and he shrugged "Miss says im good at it but you had more feeling, i told her the reason and all she said was 'love is a powerful thing!'" he said and i smiled and looked ta Vics who was smiling at me "i know!" i said and she smiled more,

"can we here you play it mum?" Mandie asked taking her head from her Harry Potter book, another thing Vics blames me for. I smiled "sure!" i said and she smiled. I got my viola sorted and smiled all the way through i played it.

"yeh i cant play it like that!" Cacen said when i was finsihed and i smiled and kissed Vics lightly "you will one day!" i said when i pulled away "need my services anymore?" i asked and he shook his hea d"no im good!" he said and i smiled. I put my viola away and sat on the couch with Vics in my arms and we all watched a movie.

The End!

I love my two mums (sequel to 'Falling for you!)Where stories live. Discover now