Victor Trevor

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A/N Hey My Lovelies!!!! So....I'm gonna remind you all of the TRIGGER WARNING for this chapter....I'm so sorry....Good luck....I warned you all....Enjoy <3

Greg arrived to pick up John and Sherlock at seven thirty, as promised, and took them for coffee before breakfast. John and Greg got on well, laughing and joking about rugby and school. Sherlock seemed to hate everything and only spoke when he absolutely needed too. If John didn't know any better, he would swear the boy was hungover.

After Greg dropped them off, John found his way to the principle's office and was given his course list and escorted to his first class. Maths with Professor Trevor.

"Professor?" John whispered when he walked in, the class was in the middle of a test. The man behind the desk looked at him and John felt a chill. He knew those eyes, he had seen them aimed at him from at least three of the worse foster fathers he had been with. "My name's John Watson-"

"Ah, yes, Mr. Watson, come in please." John stepped closer and accepted the book and papers the Professor handed him. "You can sit in the back corner, next to Mr. Holmes. Fill out the worksheets. That should be enough to catch you up for the year." The man's voice sent an unpleasant chill through John's body, but he obeyed, fighting off the panic that threatened to overwhelm him at the memories Professor Trevor brought back.

He made his way to the back of the class, ignoring the questioning glances he got from the other students. There was no doubt they knew he was a foster kid, people always seemed to know. He took his seat next to Sherlock, sending the boy a questioning glance. Sherlock was at least two years younger than him, yet he was in John's advanced mathematics. Sherlock simply ignored him and went back to looking incredibly bored, so John shook his head and started filling out the worksheets.

Maths had always been a strong suit of John's so he breezed through the work, so engrossed in the problems he missed Sherlock watching him intensely.

When class was over, John wrote down the assignment and was packing up his stuff when the teacher asked him and Sherlock to stay. He glanced at the other boy and noticed the tension in his face.

"Boys, can you come up here please?" Mr. Trevor asked, his voice still unnerving John as he stood from his desk, watching Sherlock carefully. The younger boy kept his head bowed and his textbook tight in front of his chest. His posture sent John's instincts into overdrive. He had seen more than his fair share of abused kids to recognize the symptoms.

"Is something wrong Mr. Trevor?" He asked mimicking Sherlock's move of keeping his book in front of him, but John used it as a weapon as opposed to a shield. He had also been abused enough to know how to stop it. The teacher smiled, looking amused and stepped around the desk.

He was tall, taller even than Sherlock, and well built. He only looked to be in his late twenties and was marginally attractive, but he gave off a vibe that made John's skin crawl.

"Please, outside of class call me Victor." Ask him about Victor Trevor. Mycroft's voice filled John's head with alarm bells as he suddenly understood. The older man came up to John and clapped him on the shoulder and John fought the instinct to flinch away.

John wasn't about to let another man scare him to his knees again.

"Is something wrong Mr. Trevor?" John asked again, emphasizing the name and holding the taller man's gaze, proud of himself that his voice didn't shake. Mr. Trevor's smile faltered and he released John's shoulder, sending Sherlock a knowing glance before leaning back against the desk.

"It's alright, Sherlock was just like you a few years ago; all anger and pride. Look at him now, my special boy." Mr. Trevor reached for Sherlock, but John found himself stepping in front of the boy. He would rather the man touch him than Sherlock.

He gasped when Sherlock shoved him aside and stepped closer to Mr. Trevor.

"I'm sorry Victor, I-I thought-" Mr. Trevor glared at the boy, clenching his fist at his side.

"No, you clearly didn't think. Why him? What was your thought process? If you had one I mean." Sherlock flinched, looking close to tears.

"He- he is a foster kid. I didn't think he would fight-" Victor lashed out and slapped the boy, sending a shock of rage through John.

"Bullshit! You just wanted to fuck him! I thought I told you no one dominant!" Victor grabbed Sherlock's jaw and lifted so the boy was barely touching the ground and whimpering. John was rooted to the spot, fear and rage keeping him from controlling his body. "You're dismissed Mr. Watson. If you tell anyone about this, I will kill you."

When John didn't move, Victor gripped Sherlock's jaw tighter and glared at him. John straightened his shoulders and met his glare with a look he hoped showed that he wasn't leaving without the boy. Victor grinned and released Sherlock with a shove and turned to John.

"Lock the door Sherlock. If Mr. Watson refuses to leave, then he can watch." John heard Sherlock gasp and saw the boy step closer to the teacher, tears on his cheeks.

"N-No please, Victor. Just- let him go. I-I'll do anything-"

"I'm not leaving without Sherlock." John stated, shocked to find that his voice was steady.

"Just go John." Sherlock begged, but John wasn't going anywhere.

"No. Sherlock walks out of here with me, or I call the cops." Victor smiled darkly and stepped aside, moving around his desk and sitting. John grabbed Sherlock's wrist and hauled him out of the room. He dragged the resisting teen to the nearest supply closet and shoved him in.

"What the fuck!" Sherlock shouted at him, shoving him roughly against the wall. "Are you trying to get us both killed?"

"You're fucking mad at me?" John snapped in disbelief, shoving the younger boy in return. "I just saved your ass back there! Literally, because he really doesn't seem like the type to let a scrawny teen fuck him-"

"Victor will kill me if he thinks you'll talk!" Sherlock shoved John aside and grabbed the door handle, swinging the door open and stepping out, hesitating just before letting the door swing shut. "You didn't save me, Mr. Watson, you condemned me."

The door slammed shut with a resounding bang that made John jolt and tears fall from his eyes.

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